
Enums for PHP 5.4+

1.0.6 2014-01-19 13:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-25 07:29:35 UTC



Add package to composer.json.

    "require": {
        "timetoogo/enums": "*"

Or manually require {Path to Enum}/Loader.php


  • An enum is a group of possible values: DayOfWeek
  • An an instance of an enum represents an underlying value: DayOfWeek::Thursday()->GetValue()
  • Two enum instances of the same type, representing the same value are identical: DayOfWeek::Thursday() === DayOfWeek::Thursday()
  • Enums are type safe: function SetDay(DayOfWeek $DayOfWeek)
  • Enums are extensible: DayOfWeek::Thursday()->GetTomorrow()
  • Enum values are serializable: DayOfWeek::Serialize(DayOfWeek::Thursday())
  • Enum values can be represented as a string: (string)DayOfWeek::Thursday()

An introduction

final class Boolean extends \Enum\Simple {

    public static function True() {
        return self::Representing('True');
    public static function False() {
        return self::Representing('False');

Congrats, we have successfully reimplemented the boolean using enums.

Lets test it out:

var_export(Boolean::True() === Boolean::True()); //true
var_export(Boolean::True() === Boolean::False()); //false
var_export(Boolean::False() === Boolean::False()); //true

Great it works, now lets reimplement ! operator.

final class Boolean extends \Enum\Simple {

    public static function True() {
        return self::Representing('True');
    public static function False() {
        return self::Representing('False');
    public function Not() {
        return $this === self::True() ? self::False() : self::True();

And test it out:

Boolean::True()->Not() === Boolean::True(); //false
Boolean::True() === Boolean::False()->Not(); //true
Boolean::False()->Not()->Not() === Boolean::False(); //true

Cool, but pointless.

Lets do something useful and create the days of the week (as in summary) :

final class DayOfWeek extends Enum\Simple {
    public static function Monday() { return self::Representing('Monday'); }
    public static function Tuesday() { return self::Representing('Tuesday'); }
    public static function Wednesday() { return self::Representing('Wednesday'); }
    public static function Thursday() { return self::Representing('Thursday'); }
    public static function Friday() { return self::Representing('Friday'); }
    public static function Saturday() { return self::Representing('Saturday'); }
    public static function Sunday() {  return self::Representing('Sunday'); }
    public function GetTomorrow() {
        if($this === self::Sunday()) {
            return self::Monday();
        else {
            $All = self::All();
            return $All[array_search($this, $All) + 1];

Notice something? The enum values are simply represented by their method name.

Well, lets keep DRY and see how we go:

final class DayOfWeek extends Enum\Simple {
    public static function Monday() { return self::Representing(__FUNCTION__); }
    public static function Tuesday() { return self::Representing(__FUNCTION__); }
    public static function Wednesday() { return self::Representing(__FUNCTION__); }
    public static function Thursday() { return self::Representing(__FUNCTION__); }
    public static function Friday() { return self::Representing(__FUNCTION__); }
    public static function Saturday() { return self::Representing(__FUNCTION__); }
    public static function Sunday() {  return self::Representing(__FUNCTION__); }
    public function GetTomorrow() {
        if($this === self::Sunday()) {
            return self::Monday();
        else {
            $All = self::All();
            return $All[array_search($this, $All) + 1];

Well that didn't do much, and it is still extremely verbose! And ugly.

Relax, there is a solution:

```php final class DayOfWeek extends \Enum\Simple { use \Enum\Values { _ as Monday; _ as Tuesday; _ as Wednesday; _ as Thursday; _ as Friday; _ as Saturday; _ as Sunday; }
public function GetTomorrow() {
    if($this === self::Sunday()) {
        return self::Monday();
    else {
        $All = self::All();
        return $All[array_search($this, $All) + 1];


That's better! Note that there will be no difference in functionality between the above three examples.

**Note that using the `\Enum\Values` only works for PHP >5.4.16**

If your enums values are represented by the method names, you can utilise the `\Enum\Values` trait. This trait contains a single static method `_`. You can alias this method to the required enum values, and the aliased methods will return the enum representing the method name string.

Using this trait the equivalent Boolean would become:

final class Boolean extends \Enum\Simple {
    use \Enum\Values {
        _ as True;
        _ as False;
    public function Not() {
        return $this === self::True() ? self::False() : self::True();

Conversion To String

Override the protected string ToString(mixed $Value) to customize the conversion to string:

final class DayOfWeek extends \Enum\Simple {
    use \Enum\Values {
        _ as Monday;
        _ as Tuesday;
        _ as Wednesday;
        _ as Thursday;
        _ as Friday;
        _ as Saturday;
        _ as Sunday;
    protected function ToString($Value) {
        return 'Today could be ' . strtolower($Value) . '.';

echo DayOfWeek::Saturday(); //Today could be saturday.


Enums values can also be fully serialized/unserialized using the Enum\Base::Serialize(Enum\Base $Enum) and Enum\Base::Unserialize(string $SerializedEnum) repectively. This will work for any defined enum.

If you want to un/serialize an enum of a specific type, you can can call either method in the context of the required enum type:

$Monday = DayOfWeek::Monday();

$SerializedMonday = Enum\Base::Serialize($Monday);//Ok
$SerializedMonday = DayOfWeek::Serialize($Monday);//Ok
$SerializedMonday = MonthOfYear::Serialize($Monday);//ERROR!

$Monday = Enum\Base::Unserialize($SerializedMonday); //Ok
$Monday = DayOfWeek::Unserialize($SerializedMonday); //Ok
$Monday = MonthOfYear::Unserialize($SerializedMonday); //ERROR!

Comparison and Equality

An two enum instances of the same type, representing the same value must be equal. Comparison results using === operator can be seen below.

$Monday = DayOfWeek::Monday();
$Tuesday = DayOfWeek::Tuesday();

$Monday === DayOfWeek::Monday(); //true
$Monday === DayOfWeek::FromValue(DayOfWeek::Monday()->GetValue()); //true
$Monday === DayOfWeek::Unserialize(DayOfWeek::Serialize(DayOfWeek::Monday())); //true
$Monday === $Tuesday; //false

As you can see, within a enum there is only ever one instance representing any given value.

Clean comprehension API

  • Enum\Base::Map(callable $MappingCallback) Maps the enum instances with the supplied callback
  • Enum\Base::MapValues(callable $MappingCallback) Maps the represented values with the supplied callback
  • Enum\Base::Filter(callable $MappingCallback) Filters the enum instances with the supplied callback
  • Enum\Base::FilterByValue(callable $MappingCallback) Filters the enums by their represented value with the supplied callback
  • Enum\Base::FirstOrDefault(callable $MappingCallback) Returns the first enum according to the filter callback or the default value if none is matched
  • FirstOrDefaultByValue(callable $MappingCallback)


final class DayOfWeek extends \Enum\Simple {
    use \Enum\Values {
        _ as Monday;
        _ as Tuesday;
        _ as Wednesday;
        _ as Thursday;
        _ as Friday;
        _ as Saturday;
        _ as Sunday;
    public static function IsWeekEnd(self $DayOfWeek) {
        return $DayOfWeek === self::Saturday() || $DayOfWeek === self::Sunday();
    public static function GetWeekDays() {
        return self::Filter(function (self $DayOfWeek) {
            return !self::IsWeekEnd($DayOfWeek);
    public static function GetWeekEndDays() {
        return self::Filter([__CLASS__, 'IsWeekEnd']);

A more sophisticated example

If your requirements are more complex, enums can represent any serializable value:

class Country extends Enum\Simple {
    public static function USA() {
        return self::Representing(
                    'Name' => 'United States of America',
                    'Population' => 317500000,
                    'Area' => 9826675
    public static function Australia() {
        return self::Representing(
                    'Name' => 'Australia',
                    'Population' => 23351119,
                    'Area' => 7692024
    public static function SouthAfrica() {
        return self::Representing(
                    'Name' => 'South Africa',
                    'Population' => 52981991,
                    'Area' => 1221037
    public static function FromName($Name) {
        return self::FirstOrDefaultByValue(
                function ($Value) use ($Name) {
                    return $Value['Name'] === $Name;
    protected function ToString($Value) {
        return $Value['Name'];
    public function PopulationDensity() {
        $Country = $this->GetValue();
        return $Country['Population'] / $Country['Area'];

We have defined an enum representing some countries and have provided methods to determine information on that data.


$SouthAfrica = Country::SouthAfrica();
echo sprintf('%s has a population density of: %s/KmĀ²',