
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Installs: 65

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 7

Forks: 3


0.1 2015-06-04 07:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-14 22:00:46 UTC


This module use Twig template engine as parser for Thelia and replace Smarty.

This module is not stable and is still in development. See the RoadMap if you want to know which features are missing

###Summary :


You can only install this module with composer :

$ composer require thelia/twig-module:dev-master


It is required to enable this module with the cli tools and then disable TheliaSmarty module :

$ php Thelia module:refresh
$ php Thelia module:activate TheliaTwig
$ php Thelia module:deactivate TheliaSmarty


Template files must be suffixed by .twig, for example index.html.twig

The template structure is the same as the actual structure, so you can referer to the actual documentation

You can test the module with this module :



loop feature is a Twig tag, you have to use it like a block. All loop's parameters use literals syntax and are the same as the acutal parameters. The tag start with loop and finish with endloop

example :

{% loop {type:"category", name:"cat", limit:"2"} %}
    <li>{{ ID }} : {{ TITLE }}
    {% loop {type:"product", name:"prod", category: ID} %}
        <li>Title : {{ TITLE }} </li>
    {% endloop %}
{% endloop %}

Conditional loop

Conditional loops are implemented. As for Smarty a ifloop can wrap a loop and can be used after the related loop. elseloop must be used after the related loop

{% ifloop {rel:"cat"} %}
    <p>Before categories</p>
    {% loop {type:"category", name:"cat", limit:"2"} %}
        <li>{{ ID }} : {{ TITLE }}
        {% loop {type:"product", name:"prod", category: ID} %}
            <li>Title : {{ TITLE }} </li>
        {% endloop %}
    {% endloop %}
<p>After categories</p>
{% endifloop %}
{% elseloop {rel:"cat"} %}
    <p>there is no category</p>
{% endelseloop %}

Paginated loop

Paginated loop works exactly like paginated loop for Smarty, just the syntax change. See the official documentation for all parameters :

Syntax example :

<p>Products Loop</p>
{% loop {type:"product", name:"pagination", limit:"5", page:"3"} %}
    <li>{{ TITLE }}</li>
{% endloop %}

{% pageloop {rel: "pagination"} %}
    <li>{{ PAGE }} {% if CURRENT == PAGE %} current {% endif %} / last : {{ END }}</li>
{% endpageloop %}

Url management


url is a function. It generates an absolute url for a given path or file.

url($path, $parameters = array(), $current = false, $file = null, $noAmp = false, $target = null)

parameters :

Complete example :

    <a href="{{ url("/product/", {id: 2, arg1: "val1"}) }}">my link</a>

generated link : http://domain.tld?id=2&arg1=val1


same as url function. This function just add a token paremeter in the url to prevent CSRF security issue.

example :

<a href="{{ url_token("/product/", {id: 2, arg1: "val1"}) }}">my tokenized link</a>

generated link : http://domain.tld?id=2&arg1=val1&_token=UniqueToken


return the current url


example :

<a href="{{ current_url() }}">current link</a>


return the previous url saved in session


example :

<a href="{{ previous_url() }}">previous link</a>


return the homepage url


example :

<a href="{{ index_url() }}">index link</a>



default_domain is a tag for defining the default translation domain. If defined you don't need to specify it when you want to translation a string in the current template.

Usage :

{% default_domain "fo.default" %}


tag for defining a locale and don't use the locale stored in session.

Usage :

{% default_locale "fr_FR" %}


function for string translation

intl($id, $parameters = [], $domain = null, $locale = null)

parameters :

Complete example :

{% default_domain "fo.default" %}
{% default_locale "fr_FR" %}
    translation : {{ intl('Secure payment', [], null, 'en_US') }} <br>
    translation 2 : {{ intl('Secure payment') }} <br>
    translation 3 : {{ intl('Sorry, an error occurred: %error', {'%error': 'foo'}, 'front') }} <br>



tag checking if a user has access granted.

example :

{% auth {role: "CUSTOMER", login_tpl:"login"} %}

Parameters :


This tag checks if the customer's cart is empty, and redirects to the route "cart.view" if it is.

{% check_cart_not_empty %}


Check if the delivery module and address are valid, redirects to the route "" if not.

{% check_valid_delivery %}

data access functions

All data access function allow to access to a specific property of an entity. For some of them through an id present in the query string, for others through data saved in session


Provides access to the current logged administrator attributes using the accessors.

    admin firstname : {{ admin('firstname') }}


Provides access to an attribute of the current brand (brand_id parameter in the query string). If the product_id is in the query string, the brand function will find the brand linked to the product.

    brand title : {{ brand('title') }}


list of implemented parameters :

  • count_product : number of products in the current cart
  • count_item : addition off all quantity for each products
  • total_price : total amount without taxes
  • total_taxed_price : total amount with taxes
  • total_taxed_price_without_discount : total amount with taxes and without discount
  • is_virtual : if cart contains or not virutal products
  • total_vat : tax amount

example :

    number of products : {{ cart('count_product') }}


Provides access to an attribute of the current category (category_id parameter is the query string). If the product_id is in the query string, the default category linked to this product is used.

    Category title : {{ category('title') }}


return the value of a wanted configuration key. Default as second parameter if the key does not exists.

    default front office template : {{ config('active-front-template', 'default') }}


Provides access to an attribute of the current content (content_id in the query string).

    content title : {{ content('title') }}


Provides access to an attribute for the default country

    iso alpha2 code : {{ country('isoalpha2') }}


Provides access to an attribute of the current currency (saved in session)

    currency symbol : {{ currency('symbol') }}


Provides access to an attribute of the logged customer

    customer first name : {{ customer('firstname') }}


Provides access to an attribute of the current folder (folder_id in the query string). If the content_id parameter is in the query string, the default linked folder will be used.

   folder title : {{ folder('title') }}


Provides access to an attribute of the current lang saved in session

    locale : {{ lang('locale') }}


Provides access to an attribute of the current order

list of implemented parameters :

  • untaxed_postage : postage cost without taxes
  • postage : postage cost
  • postage_tax : postage tax amount
  • discount : discount amount
  • delivery_address : delivery address id
  • invoice_address : invoice address id
  • delivery_module : delivery module id
  • payment_module : payment module id
  • has_virtual_product : if order contains at least one virtual product

example :

    discount amount : {{ order('discount') }}


Provides access to an attribute of the current product (product_id parameter in query string)

    product title : {{ product('title') }}

Cart postage

retrieves the postage amount of the current cart if it exists.

Thelia uses the following rules to select the country :

  • the country of the delivery address of the customer related to the cart if it exists
  • the country saved in cookie if customer have changed the default country
  • the default country for the shop if it exists

Inside the postage block this variables are defined :

  • country_id: the country id or null
  • delivery_id: the delivery id or null
  • postage: the postage amount or 0.0
  • is_customizable: indicate if the postage can be customized. False When customer is signed and have a valid delivery address
{% postage %}
    postage : {{ postage ~ currency('symbol') }}
{% endpostage %}

format functions


return date in expected format

available parameters :

  • params => Array :
    • date : DateTime object (mandatory if timestamp is not present)
    • timestamp : a Unix timestamp (mandatory if date is not present)
    • format => will output the format with specific format (see date() function)
    • output => list of default system format. Values available :
      • date => date format
      • time => time format
      • datetime => datetime format (default)
    • locale => format the date according to a specific locale (eg. fr_FR)
{% set myDate = date() %}
{# format the date in datetime format for the current locale #}
{{ format_date({date: myDate}) }}
{# format the date in date format for the current locale #}
{{ format_date({date: myDate, output:"date"}) }}
{# format the date with a specific format (with the default locale on your system) #}
{{ format_date({date: myDate, format:"Y-m-d H:i:s"}) }}
{# format the date with a specific format with a specific locale #}
{{ format_date({date: myDate, format:"D l F j", locale:"en_US"}) }}
{{ format_date({date: myDate, format:"l F j", locale:"fr_FR"}) }}
{# using a timestamp instead of a date #}
{{ format_date({timestamp: myDate|date('U'), output:"datetime"}) }}


return numbers in expected format

available parameters :

  • params => Array :
    • number => int or float number (mandatory)
    • decimals => how many decimals format expected
    • dec_point => separator for the decimal point
    • thousands_sep => thousands separator
{# specific format #}
{{ format_number({number:"1246.12", decimals:"1", dec_point:",", thousands_sep:" "}) }}
{# format for the current locale #}
{{ format_number({number:"1246.12"}) }}


return money in expected format

available parameters :

  • params => Array :
    • number => int or float number (mandatory)
    • decimals => how many decimals format expected
    • dec_point => separator for the decimal point
    • thousands_sep => thousands separator
    • symbol => Currency symbol
{#  will output "1 246,1 €" #}
{{ format_number({number:"1246.12", decimals:"1", dec_point:",", thousands_sep:" ", symbol:""}) }}

flash messages


Test if message exists for the given type.

available parameters :

  • type (mandatory)
{% if has_flash('test') %}
    {# do something #}
{% endif %}


Get all messages or messages for the given type. After the call of the function flash messages are deleted.

available parameter :

  • type : a specific type (string or null)
    • if provided, get all messages for the given type and return an array of messages
    • if not provided, get all flash messages. It will return an array. The key will be the type and the value an array of associated messages
{% if has_flash('notice') %}
    <div class="alert alert-notice">
    {% for message in flash('notice') %}
        {{ message }}<br>
    {%  endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% for type, messages in flash() %}
    <div class="alert alert-{{ type }}">
    {% for message in messages %}
        {{ message }}<br>
    {%  endfor %}
{%  endfor %}


hook tags

The tag hook allows you to get the content related to a specific hook specified by its name.

available parameters :

  • params => Array :
    • name => the hook name (mandatory)
    • ... You can add as many parameters as you want. they will be available in the hook event
{% hook {name: "hook_code", var1: "value1", var2: "value2", ... } %}

hookblock and forhook tags

The tag hookblock allows you to get the content related to a specific hook specified by its name. The content is not injected directly, but has to be manipulated by a forhook tag.

available parameters :

  • params => Array :
    • name => the hook name (mandatory)
    • fields => indicates the fields that you can add to the hookblock event
    • ... You can add as many parameters as you want. they will be available in the hook event

The tag forhook iterates on the results of a hookblock tag. You should set the rel attribute to establish the link. You can use the forhook multiple times.

{% hookblock {name: "hookblock_code", fields: "id,title, content", var1: "value1", ... } %}
{% forhook {rel: 'hookblock_code'} %}
    <div id="{{ id }}">
        <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
        <p>{{ content|raw }}</p>
{% endforhook %}

ifhook and elsehook tags

These tags will test if hook or hookblock are empty or not.

{% ifhook {rel:"main.content-bottom"} %}
    {# displayed if main.content-bottom is not empty #}
    <hr class="space">
    {% hook {name: "main.content-bottom"} %}
    <hr class="space">
{% endifhook %}

{% elsehook {rel:"main.content-bottom"} %}
    {# displayed if main.content-bottom is empty #}
    <p><a href="#top">Back to top</a></p>
{% endelsehook %}

How to add your own extension

The tag thelia.parser.add_extension allows you to add your own twig extension.

example :

<service id="thelia.parser.loop_extension" class="TheliaTwig\Template\Extension\Loop">
    <argument type="service" id="thelia.parser.loop_handler" />
    <tag name="thelia.parser.add_extension" />


  • loop
  • conditional loop
  • paginated loop
  • Assetic integration
  • I18n support
  • Form support
  • URL management
    • url function
    • token_url function
    • navigate function
    • set_previous_url function
  • Hook support
  • date and money format
  • Flash messages
  • cart postage
  • DataAccessFunction
    • admin
    • brand
    • cart
    • category
    • config
    • content
    • country
    • currency
    • customer
    • folder
    • lang
    • order
    • product
  • Security
    • checkAuth
    • checkCartNotEmpty
    • checkValidDelivery