
Lightweight settings management for CodeIgniter 4

v2.1.0 2021-07-10 12:23 UTC


Lightweight settings management for CodeIgniter 4

Coverage Status


Since this library's last major version the CodeIgniter team has published its own Settings Library. That library and this offer some non-overlapping features but they do represent a conflict in name and implementation. The future of this library is not yet determined, but some options are:

  • Deprecate this library and move any missing features to the CodeIgniter version
  • Rework this library as an extension of the official package
  • Maintain the current functionality with a name change to avoid conflict

To follow or contribute to the planning for this library please visit the Upcoming Changes Discussion.

Quick Start

  1. Install with Composer: > composer require tatter/settings
  2. Update the database: > php spark migrate -all
  3. Use spark to create templates: > php spark settings:add timezone user America/New_York
  4. Use the service to access user settings:
service('settings')->timezone = $_POST['timezone_preference'];
$userTimezone = service('settings')->timezone;


Provides ready-to-use settings management for CodeIgniter 4


Install easily via Composer to take advantage of CodeIgniter 4's autoloading capabilities and always be up-to-date:

  • > composer require tatter/settings

Or, install manually by downloading the source files and adding the directory to app/Config/Autoload.php.

Once the files are downloaded and included in the autoload, run any library migrations to ensure the database is setup correctly:

  • > php spark migrate -all


Once the library is included all the resources are ready to go and you are ready to start adding settings. You may import setting templates directly into the settings table or add them manually with the CLI command php spark settings:add.

Settings also comes with a database seeder for some recommended default templates. Run the seeder from the command line:

php spark db:seed "Tatter\Settings\Database\Seeds\SettingsSeeder"

This will add appropriately-scoped templates and default values for the following settings:

Warning: This list is subject to change between major versions.

Note that the seeder will not overwrite existing values so it is safe to re-run at any time. See also src/Database/Seeds/SettingsSeeder.php.

Setting Scope

Settings come in three modes: global, user, and dynamic.

  • Global settings are the same for every user and provide project owners to set application-wide values; set protected to 1
  • User settings start with a template value but each user may make their own value that persists across sessions; set protected to 0
  • Dynamic settings have no template but can be created and returned on-the-fly; they only persists for the current session.


  • When you release a new version of your software:

    model('SettingModel')->where('name', 'latestRelease')->update(['content' => '1.2.3'); echo view('home', ['latestRelease' => service('settings')->latestRelease]);

  • When a user searches a list of jobs:

    $settings->jobsSearch = $_POST['searchTerm']; $data['jobs'] = $jobModel->paginate($settings->perPage);

Magic Config

Settings comes with a magic configuration file that allows direct access to template values. This is a convenient way to access the library in a traditional framework fashion:

$logo = config('Settings')->projectLogo;

Note that unlike the Service or Library values from the magic config are directly from the template default and are not affected by user overrides:

service('settings')->set('perPage', 20);

echo service('settings')->perPage; // 20
echo config('Settings')->perPage; // 10