
Rackspace CloudQueue driver for Laravel Queue

v2.0.2 2015-08-04 21:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-23 10:01:16 UTC


Note: Currently there is only support for Laravel 4.2.


Install via Composer

Require this package in your composer.json and run composer update:

"tailwind/laravel-rackspace-cloudqueue": "~2.0"

Add Configuration

/// config/queue.php

return array(

    'default'     => 'rackspace',
    'connections' => array(

        'rackspace'  => [
            'driver'   => 'rackspace',
            'queue'    => 'default_tube', /// the default queue
            'endpoint' => 'US',  /// US or UK
            'username' => 'SOME_RACKSPACE_USERNAME',
            'apiKey'   => 'SOME_RACKSPACE_API_KEY',
            'region'   => 'ORD', /// THE REGION WHERE THE QUEUE IS SETUP
            'urlType'  => 'internalURL', /// Optional, defaults to internalURL



Add Service Provider

/// config/app.php

return array(

    'providers'  => array(


Version 2.0.2

  • Fix a bug where 10 items were popped off a time and only 1 was processed

Version 2.0

  • Change to Tailwind namespace
  • Shorten driver name to just "rackspace"
  • Add support for specifying a tube besides the default
  • Add to Packagist
  • Add test suite

Version 1.0

  • Transfer from cchiles to Tailwind
  • Support for RackspaceCloudQueue