
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the rector/rector package instead.

Slim wrapper around phpstan/phpdoc-parser with format preserving printer


Better PhpDoc Parser

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Wrapper around phpstan/phpdoc-parser that adds format preserving printer.

When do We Need Format Preserving Printer?

Original code

 * @param   string   $name
 * @param   string   $surname
 * @return  bool

Printed by PHPStan PhpDocParser

 * @param string $name
 * @param string $surname
 * @return bool

Printed by Better PhpDocParser 👍

 * @param   string   $name
 * @param   string   $surname
 * @return  bool

Symplify\CodingStandard and Rector need to modify docblock and put it back in correct format. Other packages often put own spacing, or formats of specific tags.

This package preserve original spacing.

Thanks for inspiration in Format Preserving Printer feature in nikic/php-parser.


composer require symplify/better-phpdoc-parser


Register services in your Symfony config:

# services.yaml
    - { resource: 'vendor/symplify/better-phpdoc-parser/config/config.yml' }

or register the needed services from services.yaml in config of your other framework.


use Symplify\BetterPhpDocParser\PhpDocInfo\PhpDocInfoFactory;
use Symplify\BetterPhpDocParser\Printer\PhpDocInfoPrinter;

class SomeClass
    public function __construct(PhpDocInfoFactory $phpDocInfoFactory, PhpDocInfoPrinter $phpDocInfoPrinter)
        $this->phpDocInfoFactory = $phpDocInfoFactory;
        $this->phpDocInfoPrinter = $phpDocInfoPrinter;

    public function changeDocBlockAndPrintItBack(): string
        $docComment = '/**    @var Type $variable    */';

        $phpDocInfo = $this->phpDocInfoFactory->createFrom($docComment);

        // modify `$phpDocInfo` using its methods

        return $this->phpDocInfoPrinter->printFormatPreserving($phpDocInfo);