survos / landing-bundle
Add some tools and resources to a Symfony5 application
Fund package maintenance!
Installs: 564
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 3
Forks: 0
Open Issues: 0
- ext-json: *
- ext-zip: *
- knplabs/knp-menu: ^3.0
- knplabs/knp-menu-bundle: ^3.0@dev
- knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle: ^1.0
- meyfa/php-svg: ^0.9.1
- symfony/mailer: *
- symfony/orm-pack: *
- symfony/webpack-encore-bundle: ^1.6|^2
- symfony/yaml: *
- twig/twig: ^2.5|^3.0
Requires (Dev)
Add new Bundle directory convention consistent with standard skeletons:
└── MyBundle/
├── config/
├── public/
├── src/
│ └── MyBundle.php
├── templates/
└── translations/
class MyBundle extends Bundle
public function getPath(): string
return \dirname(__DIR__);
A moderately-opinionated bundle that provides a quick way to get up and running with Symfony, using best practices.
Besides the Symfony web skeleton, this bundle also requires:
- Javascript: jquery, bootstrap
- Symfony: KnpMenu, WebpackEncore
and recommends:
- Javascript: fontawesome
- Symfony: EasyAdminBundle
This bundle was created originally to isolate issues with other bundles and to get data on a website as quickly and painlessly as possible.
- composer
- PHP 7.1+
- yarn
- Symfony CLI (for running a local server, creating project, etc.)
Create github Project
Create a NEW repository
on with no files (no README or license), clone it to some directory and go there.
REPO=xml-serializer-demo && git clone$REPO.git && cd $REPO
Create the Symfony Skeleton WITHOUT a git repo, then ADD the repo.
mv .git .. && symfony new --full . --no-git && mv ../.git .
Create the project on heroku, after logging in
heroku create $REPO
bin/console make:user User --is-entity --identity-property-name=email --with-password -n
# composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true
# interaction is required for the next commands, so if you're cutting and pasting, stop here!
# use the defaults (App\Entity\User)
Create LoginFormAuthenticator
bin/console make:auth 1 # Login Form Authenticator AppAuthenticator <return> # SecurityController <return> # /logout
# Optional, since SurvosBaseBundle has this already, formatted for mobile
bin/console make:registration-form
# Now install the Landing (SurvosBase?) bundle
composer config minimum-stability dev
composer req survos/landing-bundle
composer config repositories.adminlte '{"type": "vcs", "url": ""}'
composer config '{"type": "vcs", "url": ""}'
# local dev: create a symlink
composer config repositories.survoslanding '{"type": "path", "url": "../Survos/LandingBundle"}'
composer config repositories.geonames '{"type": "path", "url": "../Survos/geonames-bundle"}'
composer config repositories.phpspreadsheet '{"type": "path", "url": "../Survos/phpspreadsheet-bundle"}'
composer config repositories.multisearch '{"type": "vcs", "url": ""}'
composer config repositories.captcha '{"type": "vcs", "url": ""}'
composer config repositories.git-survoslanding '{"type": "vcs", "url": ""}'
composer config repositories.git-geonames '{"type": "vcs", "url": ""}'
composer config repositories.flowdemo '{"type": "path", "url": "../Survos/../CraueFormFlowDemoBundle"}'
composer config repositories.social_post_bundle '{"type": "path", "url": "../Survos/social-post-bundle"}'
composer config repositories.social_post_bundle '{"type": "vcs", "url": ""}'
# this is needed because it creates MAILER_DSN, which isn't created otherwise
# composer req mail
composer req knplabs/knp-menu-bundle:"^3.0@dev"
composer req survos/landing-bundle:"*@dev"
phpstorm .env
composer req survos/landing-bundle
# creates survos_landing.yaml (a recipe would be nicer!)
bin/console survos:init
# edit .env and set MAILER_URL
Ugh, still doesn't work, needs a landing menu
# introspection, creates menus, looks for entities, easyadmin, etc.
bin/console survos:configure
# symfony run -d yarn encore dev --watch
Integrating Facebook and other OAuth
Go to
composer require league/oauth2-facebook
The create an app and enable login:
Need a config script that asks for the ID and sets it in .env.local (or Heroku, etc.)
Install and Configure UserBundle (optional)
See [docs/recommended_bundles]
If developing LandingBundle
composer config repositories.survoslanding '{"type": "path", "url": "../Survos/LandingBundle"}'
composer req survos/landing-bundle:"*@dev"
Normal installation
Install the bundle, then go through the setup to add and configure the tools.
composer req survos/landing-bundle
yarn install
xterm -e "yarn run encore dev-server" &
composer req "kevinpapst/adminlte-bundle"
bin/console make:subscriber KnpMenuSubscriber "KevinPapst\AdminLTEBundle\Event\KnpMenuEvent"
bin/console survos:init
bin/console survos:config --no-interaction
bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
First time setup, downloads jquery, bootstrap, etc. Also modifies some yaml files, and creates the first menu.
# config/packages/admin_lte.yaml admin_lte: knp_menu: enable: true routes: adminlte_welcome: app_homepage adminlte_login: app_login adminlte_profile: app_profile
@todo: Generate this Controller and templates?
# config/routes/survos_landing.yaml survos_landing: {path: /, controller: 'Survos\LandingBundle\Controller\LandingController::landing'} # app_homepage: {path: /, controller: 'Survos\LandingBundle\Controller\LandingController::landing'} app_logo: {path: /logo, controller: 'Survos\LandingBundle\Controller\LandingController::logo'} app_profile: {path: /profile, controller: 'Survos\LandingBundle\Controller\LandingController::profile'} # profile: {path: /profile, controller: 'Survos\LandingBundle\Controller\LandingController::profile'} # logout: {path: /logout, controller: 'Survos\LandingBundle\Controller\LandingController::logout'} # required if app_profile is used, since you can change the password from the profile app_change_password: {path: /change-password, controller: 'Survos\LandingBundle\Controller\LandingController::changePassword'}
{% extends '@AdminLTE/layout/default-layout.html.twig' %} {% block page_content %} {{ block('body') }} {% endblock %}
{% block logo_mini %}KPA{% endblock %} {% block logo_large 'KPA Admin' %}
{% block page_title 'KPA Admin' %} {% block page_subtitle 'Songs and Music!' %}
Now install some bundles!
See the details at [Recommended Bundles](docs/
If you chosen to integrate the userbundle, update the schema and add an admin
bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
symfony server:start --no-tls
When finished, the application will have a basic landing page with top navigation, optionally including login/registration pages. Logged in users with ROLE_ADMIN will also (optionally) have links to easyadmin and api-platform.
Api Platform
@todo: put this in a survos:setup command.
- Expose the API routes (for jsRoutingBundle), and
# config/routes/api_platform.yaml api_platform: resource: . type: api_platform prefix: /api options: expose: true
Create resources.yaml to store the configuration
# api/config/api_platform/resources.yaml App\Entity\User: ~ App\Entity\Location: shortName: 'Location' # optional description: 'A place within a building where inventory item is physically located.' # optional attributes: # optional pagination_items_per_page: 30 # optional normalization_context: groups: ['jstree'] denormalization_context: groups: ['jstree']
Add the resources.yaml directory to the mapping paths
# config/packages/api_platform.yaml api_platform: mapping: paths: - '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity' - '%kernel.project_dir%/config/api_platform' # yaml or xml directory configuration] patch_formats: json: ['application/merge-patch+json'] swagger: versions: [3]
Configure the serializer (may need to create the directory)
# config/serializer/serialization.yaml App\Entity\User: attributes: id: groups: ['Default'] email: groups: ['Default'] App\Entity\Song: attributes: title: groups: ['Default']
Customizing the bundle
Deploy to heroku
heroku create $projectName
echo "web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-nginx -C heroku-nginx.conf -F fpm_custom.conf public/" > Procfile
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs
heroku buildpacks:add --index 2 heroku/nodejs
composer config --unset repositories.survoslanding && composer update
git commit -m "unset survoslanding" . && git push heroku master bin/console survos:setup-heroku