
Traits and Interfaces common to other Survos bundles

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1.5.333 2024-07-24 15:21 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-20 16:36:18 UTC


Symfony Bundle with interfaces, traits, models and services needed by more than one Survos components. For example, Model\Column is used by grid, api-grid and simple-datatables. RouteParametersInterface is used by tree and the griid bundles.

composer config repositories.survos_core '{"type": "path", "url": "/home/tac/survos/bundles/core-bundle"}'
composer req survos/core-bundle:*@dev
// src/Entity/Foo.php
namespace App\Entity;

use Survos\CoreBundle\Entity\RouteParametersInterface;
use Survos\CoreBundle\Entity\RouteParametersTrait;

class Foo implements RouteParametersInterface
use RouteParametersTrait;

public function getUniqueParams(): array { 
    return ['fooId' => $this->getFooCode()];

Now use .rp in twig and ->getRp() in php as part of generating a route

<a href="{{ path('foo_show', foo.rp) }}">Show</a>

Combined with survos/maker-bundle, create a param converter

bin/console survos:make:param-converter Foo

Helper Tasks