
Phalcon files uploader. Handling and downloading files for Phalcon projects. Allowed multiple files download, filters etc...

v1.4-beta 2015-05-28 12:37 UTC


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Handling and downloading files for Phalcon projects. Allowed multiple files, filters etc.... (Currently under TDD)

Change Log

[v 1.4-beta] 2015-05-28

- ability to download files to a dynamically created directory (by [Mahdi-Mohammadi](

[v 1.3-beta] 2015-05-07

- it support Phalcon 2.0

[v 1.2-beta] 2015-05-07

- ability to use closure (anonimous function) for generate uploaded file name

[v 1.1-beta] 2015-02-23

- ability to delete files after downloading ($uploader->truncate())

[v 1.0-beta] 2015-01-10

- added validator (sizes, extensions, mime types, directory upload)
- added filters (sanitize filename pre save, hash filename)


  • PSR-0, PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4 Standards

System requirements

  • PHP 5.4.x >
  • Phalcon extension 1.3.x


First update your dependencies through composer. Add to your composer.json:

"require": {
    "stanislav-web/phalcon-uploader": "1.*",

Then run to update dependency and autoloader

php composer.phar update
php composer.phar install

or just

php composer.phar require stanislav-web/phalcon-uploader dev-master 

(Do not forget to include the composer autoloader)

Or manual require in your loader service

        'Uploader\Uploader' => 'path to src'

You can create an injectable service

    $di->set('uploader', '\Uploader\Uploader');


Simple usage

 if($this->request->hasFiles() !== false) {
    // get uploader service
    $uploader = $this->di->get('uploader');
    // setting up uloader rules
        'directory' =>  '/files',
        //or 'dynamic'   =>  '/files/'.$part.'/'.$userId, // added v1.4-beta
    // or use constructor if you don't use service
    $uploader = new \Uploader\Uploader(([
        'directory' =>  '/files',
        //or 'dynamic'   =>  '/files/'.$part.'/'.$userId, // added v1.4-beta



 if($this->request->hasFiles() !== false) {
    // get uploader service or \Uploader\Uploader
    $uploader = $this->di->get('uploader');
    // setting up uloader rules
        'directory' =>  '/files',
        //or 'dynamic'   =>  '/files/'.$part.'/'.$userId, // added v1.4-beta
        'minsize'   =>  1000,   // bytes
        'maxsize'   =>  1000000,// bytes
        'mimes'     =>  [       // any allowed mime types
        'extensions'     =>  [  // any allowed extensions
        'sanitize' => true  // escape file & translate to latin  
        'hash'     => 'md5'  // save file as hash (default md5) you can use ANY function to handle filename

Full Handle

 if($this->request->hasFiles() !== false) {
    // get uploader service or \Uploader\Uploader
    $uploader = $this->di->get('uploader');
    // setting up uloader rules
        'directory' =>  '/files',
        //or 'dynamic'   =>  '/files/'.$part.'/'.$userId, // added v1.4-beta
        'minsize'   =>  1000,   // bytes
        'maxsize'   =>  1000000,// bytes
        'mimes'     =>  [       // any allowed mime types
        'extensions'     =>  [  // any allowed extensions
        'sanitize' => true
        'hash'     => 'md5'
    if($uploader->isValid() === true) {
        $uploader->move(); // upload files array result
        $uploader->getInfo() // var dump to see upload files
    else {
        $uploader->getErrors(); // var_dump errors
 // you always can remove all files uploaded by one iteration 
 $uploader->truncate(); // added 1.1

Unit Test

Also available in /phpunit directory. Run command to start

php build/phpunit.phar --configuration phpunit.xml.dist --coverage-text

Read logs from phpunit/log

##Change Log


MIT License