
AppMerchant module


Latest Stable Version Minimum PHP Version

Provides SyncAPI and AsyncAPI schema files and the needed code to be used in a Payment Service Provider App.


composer require spryker/app-merchant

Testing the AppMerchant

You can test the AppMerchant as usual with Codeception. Before that you need to run some commands:

composer setup

With these commands you've set up the AppMerchant and can start the tests

vendor/bin/codecept build
vendor/bin/codecept run


The AppMerchant package contains the Spryker Glue Application code with a controller and a routing plugin that enables the Mini-Framework to onboard Spryker Merchants to an App. The Route Plugin provides the following URL:

  • /merchants-onboarding

This endpoint is used by Merchants after the Spryker application (tenant) is notified via the ReadyForMerchantAppOnboarding message. When an App uses the AppMerchant package and needs Merchant Onboarding to the App the \Spryker\Zed\AppMerchant\Communication\Plugin\AppKernel\InformTenantAboutMerchantAppOnboardingReadinessConfigurationAfterSavePlugin needs to be added on the App's project level code.

High-Level Architecture

High-Level Architecture


Tenant Onboarding

Before Merchants can be boarded to an App it is required that the Tenant's application is enabled to use this App. When an App config is created/updated the ReadyForMerchantAppOnboarding message will be sent to the Tenant. It contains the following information which can be different for each App implementation:

  • onboarding - This field contains the supported onboarding logic.
  • type - The type of onboarding, every App can have multiple onboardings e.g. for legal reasons and for the App functionality itself, etc.
  • appName - The name of the App.
  • appIdentifier - The identifier of the App.
  • additionalLinks - A list of Links that can be displayed in the Merchant Portal.
  • merchantOnboardingStates - A list of possible states the onboarding of a Merchant can have. Each state can have attributes that are used on the Tenant side for displaying purposes.
    • statusText - The text that should be displayed as status. (Can be translated on the Tenant side)
    • displayText - An additional text that can be displayed alongside the statusText. (Can be translated on the Tenant side)
    • buttonText - The text that will be used in the button on the onboarding page. (Can be translated on the Tenant side)
    • buttonInfo - An additional text that can be displayed alongside the buttonText. (Can be translated on the Tenant side)

Further reading: https://spryker.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AOP/pages/4179623996

Merchant Onboarding

This is the process where Merchants of a Tenant go through the onboarding process provided by the App.


Configure the MessageBroker

Add the following to your project:

$config[MessageBrokerConstants::MESSAGE_TO_CHANNEL_MAP] =
$config[MessageBrokerAwsConstants::MESSAGE_TO_CHANNEL_MAP] = [
    ReadyForMerchantAppOnboardingTransfer::class => 'merchant-app-events',
    MerchantAppOnboardingStatusChangedTransfer::class => 'merchant-app-events',

$config[MessageBrokerConstants::CHANNEL_TO_TRANSPORT_MAP] = [
    'merchant-app-events' => MessageBrokerAwsConfig::HTTP_TRANSPORT,

$config[MessageBrokerAwsConstants::CHANNEL_TO_SENDER_TRANSPORT_MAP] = [
    'merchant-app-events' => MessageBrokerAwsConfig::HTTP_TRANSPORT,


This package adds the following database tables to the App:

  • spy_merchant

This package updates the following database table:

  • spy_payment_transfer
    • The column merchant_reference will be added to the table
    • The unique key will be updated


This package provides the following plugins


  • \Spryker\Glue\AppMerchantBackendApi\Plugin\GlueApplication\MerchantAppOnboardingBackendApiRouteProviderPlugin


  • \Spryker\Zed\AppMerchant\Communication\Plugin\AppKernel\InformTenantAboutMerchantAppOnboardingReadinessConfigurationAfterSavePlugin
  • \Spryker\Zed\AppMerchant\Communication\Plugin\AppPayment\MerchantsPaymentTransmissionsRequestExtenderPlugin
  • \Spryker\Zed\AppMerchant\Communication\Plugin\AppWebhook\AccountUpdatedWebhookHandlerPlugin


This plugin can be added to the \Pyz\Glue\GlueBackendApiApplication\GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider::getRouteProviderPlugins().


This plugin can be added to the \Pyz\Zed\AppKernel\AppKernelDependencyProvider::getConfigurationAfterSavePlugins() that is explained in the AppKernel documentation. When this plugin is used and the configuration of an App gets created/updated the ReadyForMerchantAppOnboarding message will be sent to the Tenant. See Tenant Onboarding.


This plugin can be added to the \Pyz\Zed\AppPayment\AppPaymentDependencyProvider::getPaymentTransmissionRequestExtenderPlugins() that is explained in the AppPayment documentation. When this plugin is used and via the AppPayment package a “payout“ is requested this plugin groups orders for “payouts“ by Merchants so each Merchant will get all payments for items of one Order transferred to him.


This plugin can be added to the \Pyz\Zed\AppWebhook\AppWebhookDependencyProvider::getWebhookHandlerPlugins() that is explained in the AppWebhook documentation. When this plugin is used and can handle a webhook that comes from a third-party provider for notifications of an updated account on the third-party side.

Inside of this plugin, the \Spryker\Zed\AppMerchantExtension\Dependency\Plugin\MerchantAppOnboarding\AppMerchantPlatformPluginInterface::handleWebhook() method will be used. The WebhookRequestTransfer object will contain the loaded AppConfig and the Merchant. Depending on the implementation of the App you will get back a WebhookResponseTransfer that will be used to update the Merchant Onboarding status on the Tenant side as well as in the database of the App itself. To do so, a MerchantAppOnboardingStatusChanged message will be sent. This message is handled on the Tenant side and updates the database as needed.


This package provides the following extension points


  • \Spryker\Zed\AppMerchantExtension\Dependency\Plugin\MerchantAppOnboarding\AppMerchantPlatformPluginInterface


This extension provides the following methods:

  • provideOnboardingDetails - Used on the App implementation to provide details of how the App can be used to onboard Merchants.
  • onboardMerchant - Used on the App implementation to do the Merchant onboarding to the App.
  • handleWebhook - Used on the App implementation to handle Merchant-related Webhooks.