spacecatninja/imager-x-bunny-transformer transformer for Imager X

2.0.0 2024-07-19 21:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-19 22:22:33 UTC


A plugin for using Optimizer as a transformer in Imager X.
Also, an example of how to make a custom transformer for Imager X.


This plugin requires Craft CMS 5.0.0 or later, Imager X 5.0.0 or later, and an account at


Install and configure this transformer as described below. Then, in your Imager X config, set the transformer to bunny, ie:

'transformer' => 'bunny',

Transforms are now by default transformed with, test your configuration with a simple transform like this:

{% set transform = craft.imagerx.transformImage(asset, { width: 600 }) %}
<img src="{{ transform.url }}" width="600">
<p>URL is: {{ transform.url }}</p>

If this doesn't work, make sure you've configured a defaultProfile, have a profile with the correct name, and that the pull zone is set up to point to the location of your asset volume.

Cave-ats, shortcomings, and tips

This transformer only supports a subset of what Imager X can do when using the default craft transformer. The API is very limited, and essentially just supports resizing using crop and fit resize modes. Width, height, ratio, quality and format, is automatically converted from the standard Imager parameters, while the rest of the additional options can be passed directly to Bunny using the transformerParams transform parameter. Example:

{% set transforms = craft.imagerx.transformImage(asset, 
    [{width: 400}, {width: 600}, {width: 800}], 
    { ratio: 2/1, transformerParams: { saturation: 50 } }
) %}

For more information, check out the Optimizer documentation.


To install the plugin, follow these instructions:

  1. Install with composer via composer require spacecatninja/imager-x-bunny-transformer from your project directory.
  2. Install the plugin in the Craft Control Panel under Settings > Plugins, or from the command line via ./craft plugin/install imager-x-bunny-transformer.


You can configure the transformer by creating a file in your config folder called imager-x-bunny-transformer.php, and override settings as needed.

profiles [array]

Default: []
Profiles are usually a one-to-one mapping to the pull zones you've created in You must the default profile to use using the defaultProfile config setting, and can override it at the template level by setting profile in your transformerParams.

Example profile:

'profiles' => [
    'default' => [
        'hostname' => '',
        'addPath' => [
            'images' => 'images',            
            'otherimages' => 'otherimages',            
            'moreimages' => 'more/images',            
        'useCloudSourcePath' => true,
    'myotherzone' => [
        'hostname' => '',

Each profile takes three settings:

hostname: This is the Hostname for your zone.

addPath: Prepends a path to the asset's path. Can be useful if you have several volumes that you want to serve with one zone. If this setting is an array, the key should be the volume handle, and the value the path to add. See example above.

useCloudSourcePath: If enabled, Imager will prepend the Craft source path to the asset path, before adding it to the path. This makes it possible to have one Bunny zone pulling images from many Craft volumes when they are for instance on the same S3 bucket, but in different subfolder. This only works on volumes that implements a path setting (AWS S3 and GCS does, local volumes does not).

defaultProfile [string]

Default: ''
Sets the default profile to use (see profiles). You can override profile at the transform level by setting it through the transformParams transform parameter. Example:

{% set transforms = craft.imagerx.transformImage(asset, 
    [{width: 800}, {width: 2000}], 
    { transformerParams: { profile: 'myotherprofile' } }
) %}

Price, license and support

The plugin is released under the MIT license. It requires Imager X, which is a commercial plugin available in the Craft plugin store. If you need help, or found a bug, please post an issue in this repo, or in Imager X' repo (preferably).