Social Connect Auth Component


Packagist License Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status Scrutinizer Code Coverage FOSSA Status

Getting Started :: Documentation :: Demo

Open source social sign on PHP. Connect your application(s) with social network(s).

Code examples you can find in example directory


  • Functional: support 30+ providers such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, GitHub, Vk and another.
  • Completely: We supports all social sign standarts: OAuth1/OAuth2/OpenID/OpenIDConnect.
  • Follow standards: We follow PSR-7/PSR-17/PSR-18 standards.
  • Modular: Use only what, that you need, see architecture overview.
  • Quality: CodeCoverage with 80%+ and We are using static analyzers.

Supported type of providers

Supported providers

SocialConnect/Auth support 30+ providers such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, GitHub, Vk and another.

See all 30+ provider

Installation & Getting Started

There is a documentation for Installation & Getting Started

Referenced projects



This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. Contributions are welcome!


This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.

See the LICENSE file for more information.

FOSSA Status