
Smile ElasticSuite - Magento B2B Shared Catalog Support.

2.11.0 2023-04-13 14:57 UTC


What does the module do ?

You should use this module in order to get ElasticSuite and Magento 2 B2B (Enterprise Edition only) features working together transparently.

It fixes issues that can be encountered when using the Shared Catalog feature.

Which version should I use ?

The module version patterns are identical to those of Elasticsuite.

How to install ?

Simply run these commands in your Magento install :

composer require smile/module-elasticsuite-shared-catalog ~2.10.0
bin/magento setup:upgrade

Do not forget to clean caches and reindex everything !!!!

bin/magento cache:clean
bin/magento indexer:reindex

What is ElasticSuite ?

Readme for the whole Smile ElasticSuite is available here.