
Event dispatcher package

2.0.0 2018-06-21 10:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-08 19:16:34 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status Latest Stable Version Scrutinizer


Install via composer.

$ composer require slince/event-dispatcher


Creates a event dispatcher

$dispatcher = new Slince\EventDispatcher\Dispatcher();

Adds a listener for the specified event

There are two types of listeners: callable and Slince\EventDispatcher\Listener

  • Slince\EventDispatcher\Listener
use Slince\EventDispatcher\ListenerInterface;

class FooListener implements ListenerInterface
     public function handle(Event $event)
         //do something

$dispatcher->addListener('foo-event-name', new FooListener());
  • callable
$dispatcher->addListener('foo-event-name', function(Event $event){
    //do something

Add a subscriber

use Slince\EventDispatcher\SubscriberInterface;

class FooSubscriber implements SubscriberInterface
     public static function getSubscribedEvents(Event $event)
        return [
            'foo' => 'onFoo',
            'bar' => 'onBar'
    public function onFoo(Event $event)
      //do something
    public function onBar(Event $event)
       //do something

$dispatcher->addSubscriber(new FooSubscriber());

Dispatches the event to the registered listeners

Just provides the event name.


You can also dispatch with an event instance.

$dispatcher->dispatch(new Event('foo-event-name'));


You can call stopPropagation to stop event propagation on the event instance.

$dispatcher->addListener('foo-event-name', function(Event $event){

$emitter->addListener('foo-event-name', function ($event) {
    // This will not be triggered


Checks whether propagation is stopped

$event = new Event('foo-event-name');



The MIT license. See MIT