sledgehammer / orm
Sledgehammer ORM module: Object relational mapping
- sledgehammer/core: >=18
The Object-relational mapping (ORM) module for the Sledgehammer Framework.
- Full AutoCompletion support
- POCO support. The Repository can load Plain Old Class Objects (POCO's)
- Detect relations from the database
- An optional ActiveRecord frontend
- Linq style filtering support
- Support for complex property mapping. A column "city" can be mapped to property "address->city"
- 1 database record maps to only 1 instance. via an IdentityMap
- Relations are objects, To set the "customer_id" you'll set the "customer" property to a customer object.
- Cascading save(). A save will update & insert all connected records.
- Support for multiple backends: PDO (MySQL, SQLite), Webservices (Twitter, etc)
- Clean queries. (No "1 = 1" where statements, etc)
use Sledgehammer\Orm\Repository; // inside your bootstrap.php $repo = Repository::instance(); $repo->registerBackend(new DatabaseRepositoryBackend("default")); // Extract models from the "default" database connection. // Somewhere in your application $repo = Repository::instance(); $customer = $repo->getCustomer($_GET['id']); $customer->name = $_POST['name']; $repo->saveCustomer($customer); // When the Customer class extends Sledgehammer\ActiveRecord the familiar API is also available $customer = Customer::one($_GET['id']); $customer->name = $_POST['name']; $customer->save(); // Linq style filtering $selection = $repo->allCustomers()->where(array('name' => 'James Bond'))->where(function ($c) { return $c->isSpecialAgent(); }); $list = Customer::all()->select('name', 'id'); // Results in: array($id1 => $name1, $id2 => $name2, ...)
Relations and Placeholders
The relations of objects are loaded on demand via placeholder classes. Just use the object as if all the relations are already loaded:
Works and provides autocompletion all the way.
A downside to the placeholder technique is that:
if ($customer->orders[0]->id === $order->id) { ... } // Always works
if ($customer->orders[0] === $order) { ...} // WRONG. Doesn't work reliably
This is because $order might still be a BelongsToHolder object that will be replaced when used (calling a function, getting or setting a property) Sidenote: A BelongsToHolder often knows the id value and reading $order->id won't trigger a replacement/query.
Update a relation
You wont find any "customer_id" properties in the objects, to change the "customer_id" you'll need to use a customer object.
$order->customer = $repo->getCustomer(1);
Don't do this
$order->customer->id = 1; // WRONG
$repo->saveOrder($order); // Throws Exception
This is because you're changing the customer object which the repository tries to save before the order and id changes aren't allowed.
Backend: A data retrieval and storing mechanism. Model: A configuration to map backend data to instances. Instance: An object that is created by the Repository from backend data based on a Model.