
The Simpl way to get up and running with a clean console project.

dev-master 2020-10-16 03:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-16 13:06:01 UTC


Boilerplate for creating a new console project using symfony/console.


composer create-project simpl/console [your-project-name] --stability=dev

Basic Usage

Command Help

php console help app:hello

Run the hello command.

php console app:hello

Run the hello command with optional name parameter

php console app:hello --name="Josh"

Adding your own commands.

You can add new commands by adding a class that extends Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command to the app\Commands directory.

Once you've added your command, register it in the console script.

// ... register commands
$application->add(new Commands\Hello());

See app\Commands\Hello for an example.

See for full documentation.


composer test

Coding Standards

This library uses PHP_CodeSniffer to ensure coding standards are followed.

I have adopted the PHP FIG PSR-2 Coding Standard EXCEPT for the tabs vs spaces for indentation rule. PSR-2 says 4 spaces. I use tabs. No discussion.

To support indenting with tabs, I've defined a custom PSR-2 ruleset that extends the standard PSR-2 ruleset used by PHP_CodeSniffer. You can find this ruleset in the root of this project at PSR2Tabs.xml


composer codensiffer


composer codefixer