
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Extendable Admin Backend Framework for PhileCMS

1.0.1 2015-06-03 10:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-08-09 11:11:25 UTC



A small admin backend framework for PhileCMS based on Silex (symfony components) and Bootstrap. Takes care of the backend boilerplate (login/logout, templating, localization) and makes it easy to develop admin plugins.

Find plugins using it on Phile’s plugin page.


1.1 Installation (composer)

"require": {
	"siezi/phile-admin": "*"

1.2 Installation (Download)

Download the latest archive from the release page into plugins/siezi/phileAdmin.

2. Activation

After you have installed the plugin you activate it by adding the following line to your config.php file:

$config['plugins']['siezi\\phileAdmin'] = ['active' => true];

The default backend URL is http://…/<phile-root>/backend/

3. Start

To login you have to chose an admin password, create an hash for it (see login page) and put it into the plugin config.

$config['plugins']['siezi\\phileAdmin']['admin'] = [
	'name' => '<name>',
	'password' => '<password hash>'

4. Config

See config.php.

Plugin Development

The backend is essentially a Silex app and a admin-plugin repository containing admin-plugins. On a callback in a standard Phile Plugin-class you create a new admin-plugin, configure it and add it to the repository. Then you create Silex routes and controllers (extending AdminController).

See the cache plugin for a simple plugin implementation.

Enable the debug mode in the config.php when you develop (disable template cache, …).