
Monolog handler for sending logs to Pusher

2.2 2021-05-05 22:44 UTC


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Monolog handler that sends logs to Pusher Channels.


composer require shalvah/monolog-pusher


$config = ['YOUR_APP_KEY', 'YOUR_APP_SECRET', 'YOUR_APP_ID', ['cluster' => 'YOUR_APP_CLUSTER']];
$handler = new \Shalvah\MonologPusher\PusherHandler($config);
  • Alternatively, if you've already got an existing Pusher instance, you can pass that to the handler:
$pusher = new \Pusher\Pusher();
$handler = new \Shalvah\MonologPusher\PusherHandler($pusher);
  • Attach the handler to your Monolog logger:
$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('pusher-logs');
  • Now you can call the various log methods (info, error, debugand so forth) on your logger to send a log message to Pusher. The name of the Pusher channel used will be the name you set when creating your Logger (in the above example, "pusher-logs"). The name of the event will be log:

By default, the PusherHandler will only log messages of level error and above. You can change this by passing a minimum level as a second parameter to the constructor:

$handler = new \Shalvah\MonologPusher\PusherHandler($config, \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG);