Secure Trading's Inversion of Control (IoC) package.

3.0.0 2021-04-20 13:26 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 07:55:32 UTC


A helper package used by other Secure Trading packages.

Provides an Inversion of Control class \Securetrading\Ioc\Ioc. Instances of this class can map 'aliases' to class names or factory methods; these aliases can then later be used to instantiate objects.

It also provides a helper class \Securetrading\Ioc\Helper that applications can use to easily register alias mappings to an instance of Securetrading\Ioc\Ioc without the application code needing to explicitly call Securetrading\Ioc\Ioc::get().

Release History

Version Changes
3.0.0 PHP 8 compatibility.
2.0.0 PHP 7.3 and 7.4 compatibility.
1.0.0 Initial Release

PHP Version Compatibility

Version Changes
2.0.0 PHP 7.3 - PHP 7.4
1.0.0 PHP 5.3 - PHP 7.2

\Securetrading\Ioc\Ioc - Usage

Construct instances either like this:

$ioc = new \Securetrading\Ioc\Ioc();

Or like this:

$ioc = \Securetrading\Ioc\Ioc::instance();

Register an alias with set():

$ioc->set('anAlias', '\stdClass');

Create instances with get():

$ioc->set('anAlias', '\stdClass');
$instance = $ioc->get('anAlias');
var_dump(get_class($instance)); // "stdClass"

An optional array can be passed to get(). The values in this array will be passed to the constructor of the constructed instance:

class A {
    public function __construct($a, $b) {
        echo "values are " . $a . " and " . $b . PHP_EOL; // Outputs "values are param1 and param2"

$ioc->set('anAlias', '\A');
$instance = $ioc->get('anAlias', ['param1', 'param2']);

If the alias passed to 'get' has not been registered with a call to set() and the alias is actually a valid class name then an instance of that class will be returned:

class A {}

var_dump(get_class( $ioc->get('\A') )); // "A"

$ioc->set('\A', '\stdClass');
var_dump(get_class( $ioc->get('\A') )); // "stdClass"

Check to see if an alias has been added with has():

var_dump( $ioc->has('anAlias') ); // false
$ioc->set('anAlias', '\stdClass');
var_dump( $ioc->has('anAlias') ); // true

set() accepts an alias and either a literal class name (as shown earlier) or a factory method. This factory method will be called when get() is called with the alias.

$ioc->set('anAlias', function(\Securetrading\Ioc\IocInterface $ioc, $alias, $params) {
    // $ioc is the same $ioc instance that 'set' is being called on.
    // $alias is the alias passed when the 'get' method was called.
    // $params come from the second argument to the 'get' method call.
    return new \stdClass();

$instance = $ioc->get('anAlias', ['optionalAdditionalParam1', 'optionalAdditionalParam2']);
var_dump(get_class($instance)); // stdClass

The create() method is an alias for get():

$ioc->create('anAlias'); // Same as above.

The getSingleton() method resolves an alias to a class instance: multiple calls to getSingleton() with an alias will always return the same instance.

$ioc->set('anAlias', '\stdClass');
var_dump( $ioc->get('anAlias') === $ioc->get('anAlias') ); // false
var_dump( $ioc->getSingleton('anAlias') === $ioc->getSingleton('anAlias') ); // true

The before() method can be used to register a function that will be called before an instance is constructed from an alias:

$ioc->set('anAlias', '\stdClass');
$ioc->set('anotherAlias', '\stdClass');

$ioc->before('anAlias', function($alias, array $params = array()) {
    echo "in before callback for alias '" . $alias . "'" . PHP_EOL;

$ioc->get('anAlias'); // Will trigger the 'before' function
$ioc->get('anotherAlias'); // Will not trigger the 'before' function.

The wildcard * can be used to register a before callback that will be triggered before each instance is constructed, regardless of the alias:

$ioc->set('anAlias', '\stdClass');
$ioc->set('anotherAlias', '\stdClass');

$ioc->before('*', function($alias, array $params = array()) {
    echo "in before callback for alias '" . $alias . "'" . PHP_EOL;

$ioc->get('anAlias'); // Will trigger the 'before' function
$ioc->get('anotherAlias'); // Will trigger the 'before' function.

An after() instance method can also be called. This works just like the before() instance method and also accepts the wildcard *:

$ioc->set('anAlias', '\stdClass');
$ioc->set('anotherAlias', '\stdClass');

$ioc->after('*', function(\Securetrading\Ioc\IocInterface $ioc, $constructedInstance, $alias, array $params = array()) {
     echo "in after callback for alias '" . $alias . "'" . PHP_EOL;

$ioc->get('anAlias'); // Will trigger the 'after' function
$ioc->get('anotherAlias'); // Will trigger the 'after' function.

Helper methods for managing config options are provided. These may be useful in e.g. the factory methods given as the second parameter to set() or in the callbacks given to the before() and after() methods:

$ioc->setOption('our_option', 'our_value');
var_dump( $ioc->hasOption('our_option') ); // true
var_dump( $ioc->hasOption('our_other_option') ); // false
var_dump( $ioc->getOption('our_option') ); // 'our_value'
$ioc->getOption('our_other_option'); // \Securetrading\Ioc\IocException thrown with code CODE_OPTION_MISSING.

Helper methods for checking the existence of parameters in an array and for retrieving values from an array (or a default value if they do not exist) have also been provided. These are given to make working with the $params given as the optional second param to get() in the factory methods easier:

var_dump( $ioc->hasParameter('key', []) ); // false
var_dump( $ioc->hasParameter('key', ['key' => 'value']) ); // true
var_dump( $ioc->getParameter('key', [], 'default_value') ); // 'default_value'
var_dump( $ioc->getParameter('key', ['key' => 'value']) ); // 'value'
$ioc->getParameter('key', []); // throws \Securetrading\Ioc\IocException with code CODE_PARAM_MISSING.

\Securetrading\Ioc\Helper - Usage

Use of the Helper is optional.

The Helper can - by parsing special 'helper files' - make implicit repeated calls to \Securetrading\Ioc\Ioc::set() so applications don't always need to explicitly define lots of alias mappings.

It can be constructed in any of these ways:

$helper = new \Securetrading\Ioc\Helper(); // A
$helper = \Securetrading\Ioc\Helper::instance(); // B

$ioc = new \Securetrading\Ioc\Ioc();

$helper = new \Securetrading\Ioc\Helper($ioc); // C
$helper = \Securetrading\Ioc\Helper::instance($ioc); //D

A and B are effectively the same; so are C and D. If A or B is used then the constructor will automatically create an instance of \Securetrading\Ioc\Ioc and assign it to the Helper; if C or D are used then the given instance of \Securetrading\Ioc\IocInterface is passed to the \Securetrading\Ioc\Helper constructor so it does not automatically create another one.

The Helper firstly needs to find valid 'helper files'. Helper files must be named *_ioc.php, where * is any character valid in a filename. The user must tell the Helper where to find helper files by calling one or more of these methods: addEtcDirs() and addVendorDirs().

addEtcDirs() tells the Helper to look inside the dir given in the argument for a helper file:


addEtcDirs() is overloaded so it can also be passed an array of helper files:

$helper->addEtcDirs(['/path/to/an/etc/dir/', '/path/to/another/etc/dir']);

addVendorDirs() is designed for use with a Composer-based application and should point to a vendor directory created by Composer. The Helper will then look inside each vendor name and package name for an etc dir. Each valid helper file from this etc dir will then be loaded.

$helper->addVendorDir('/path/to/a/composer/based/application/vendor/'); // E.g. a valid helper file might be '/path/to/a/composer/based/application/vendor/vendorName/applicationName/etc/our_ioc.php'

addVendorDirs() - like addEtcDirs() - is overloaded so more than once vendor dir can be specified at a time:

$helper->addVendorDir(['/path/to/a/composer/based/application/vendor/', '/path/to/another/composer/based/application/vendor/']);

Once the location of valid helper files has been registered with addEtcDirs() or addVendorDirs() (see above) then loadPackage() or 'loadPackages() can be called. These functions do the following:

  1. Parse all loaded helper files.
  2. Build an array of 'packages' defined by the helper files.
  3. Loads the package(s) requested by the call to loadPackage() or loadPackages() by reading the alias definitions in the helper files and setting them to the IoC instance by calling \Securetrading\Ioc\Ioc::get().
  4. Loads any dependent packages, repeating the above step on them. This allows e.g. package A to auatomatically load the definitions for package B and C without client code explicitly requesting to load package B and C in the call to loadPackage(). This is useful for e.g. imitating Composer dependencies at the IoC level.

Helper files look like this:

return [
  'aPackageNameHere' => [
    'definitions' => array(
          'anAlias' => '\stdClass',
      'anotherAlias' => ['\aClass', 'aMethodInTheClass'], // A factory method.
    'dependencies' => [
      'anotherPackageNameHere', // This means that the 'definitions' from the 'anotherPackageNameHere' will also be loaded and set to the IoC container.

A call to loadPackage() looks like this:


Multiple packages can also be loaded by calling loadPackages():

$helper->loadPackages(['packageName', 'anotherPackageName']);

After loadPackage() or loadPackages() have been called then the IoC container can be returned:

$ioc = $helper->getIoc();

Other methods (mostly useful for debugging) have also been provided for examining the helper files found and the loaded packages:

var_dump( $helper->getPackageDefinitionFiles() );
var_dump( $helper->getPackageDefinitions() );
var_dump( $helper->getLoadedPackageNames() );

For reference - typical usage of the Helper might look like this:

$ioc = \Securetrading\Ioc\Helper::instance()
  ->addVendorDirs(__DIR__ . '/vendor'/)
$instance = $ioc->get('alias');  // Using the IoC container.  Note we did not need to explicitly register 'alias' with the container.