
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Route Collections and Route Model Binding wrappers for Laravel

1.0.0 2015-06-21 10:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-07-28 13:07:32 UTC


No longer maintained

[DEPRECATED] This repository is no longer maintained

While this project is functional with older versions of Laravel, the dependencies are no longer up to date. You are still welcome to explore, learn, and use the code provided here.

Route collections

Crate a new directory that will store all route collections for your application - example would be directory called Routes/Collections under app/Http.


Inside the directory create a new class that will be used with the given section of your system - say for the Front end of your application, we use FrontCollection.php and we put it into another directory - to distinguish between sections - because this one belongs to the front end, we call it Front.


The new FrontCollection class will extend the SSD\LaravelRoutes\RouteCollectionFactory and needs to have the method getNameSpace that returns the current namespace, which will be used to create a fully qualifying name of each class within the app/Http/Routes/Collections/Front directory.

// app/Http/Routes/Collections/Front/FrontCollection.php

namespace App\Http\Routes\Collections\Front;

use SSD\LaravelRoutes\RouteCollectionFactory;

class FrontCollection extends RouteCollectionFactory

    protected static function getNameSpace()
        return __NAMESPACE__;


Inside the same directory create a new file for each collection of routes - say for the Blog module of your Front section you could use:

// app/Http/Routes/Collections/Front/Blog.php

namespace App\Http\Routes\Collections\Front;

use SSD\LaravelRoutes\RouteCollectionContract;

class Blog implements RouteCollectionContract

    public function routes()

        app('router')->group(['prefix' => 'blog'], function() {

            app('router')->get('/', 'BlogController@index');

            app('router')->get('latest', 'BlogController@latest');

            app('router')->post('comment', 'BlogController@addComment');

            app('router')->get('comment/{id}', 'BlogController@showComment');




and perhaps another one for the Contact Controller with form submission method:

// app/Http/Routes/Collections/Front/Contact.php

namespace App\Http\Routes\Collections\Front;

use SSD\LaravelRoutes\RouteCollectionContract;

class Contact implements RouteCollectionContract

    public function routes()

        app('router')->group(['prefix' => 'contact'], function() {

            app('router')->get('/', 'ContactController@index');

            app('router')->post('/', 'ContactController@submit');




Now all you need to do in your app/Http/routes.php file is:

use App\Http\Routes\Collections\Front\FrontCollection;


The magically called static methods on the FrontCollection are names of the collection classes in camelCase - say for instance collection with name FoodRecepies would be called as FrontCollection::foodRecepies() and so on.

If you want to keep your routes.php file even cleaner, you could create a master collection for each section and then enclose all separate route collections inside of it

// app/Http/Routes/Collections/Front/Master.php

namespace App\Http\Routes\Collections\Front;

use SSD\LaravelRoutes\RouteCollectionContract;

class Master implements RouteCollectionContract

    public function routes()




and for the Admin section (make sure you first create AdminCollection)

// app/Http/Routes/Collections/Admin/Master.php

namespace App\Http\Routes\Collections\Admin;

use SSD\LaravelRoutes\RouteCollectionContract;

class Master implements RouteCollectionContract

    public function routes()

                'prefix' => 'admin',
                'namespace' => 'Admin'
            function() {


                        'middleware' => ['admin']
                    function() {






Then simply call it from within the routes.php

use App\Http\Routes\Collections\Front\FrontCollection;
use App\Http\Routes\Collections\Admin\AdminCollection;


Custom exceptions

The abstract SSD\LaravelRoutes\RouteCollectionFactory class can throw either SSD\LaravelRoutes\Exceptions\InvalidClassName when the static method name does not correspond to the existing class or SSD\LaravelRoutes\Exceptions\MissingNamespace when you forget to declare the getNameSpace() method on the class extending SSD\LaravelRoutes\RouteCollectionFactory.

Route model binder

Route model binder allows you to group model bindings.

To start, create a new directory under app/Http/Routes called ModelBindings


Inside this directory create a class corresponding to the model you are trying to define bindings for - for instance, if you had a Blog model on which you'd like to define two bindings - one for blog_id and the other for the blog_slug

app('router')->get('blog/{blog_id}', 'BlogController@edit');
app('router')->get('blog/{blog_slug}', 'BlogController@show');

your model would look like so

// app/Http/Routes/ModelBindings/BlogBinder.php

namespace App\Http\Routes\ModelBindings;

use Illuminate\Routing\Router;
use SSD\LaravelRoutes\RouteModelBinderContract;

use App\Blog;

class BlogBinder implements RouteModelBinderContract

    public function bind(Router $router)

        $router->model('blog_id', Blog::class);
        // for version of PHP lower than 5.6 use:
        // $router->model('blog_id', 'App\Blog');

        $router->bind('blog_slug', function($slug) {

            return $this->recordBySlug($slug);



    protected function recordBySlug($slug)

        return Blog::whereSlug($slug)->firstOrFail();



Add the scopeWhereSlug() method to your Blog model (or, if you're using slugs on more than one model you could extract it to a Trait)

// app/Blog.php

namespace App;

class Blog extends Model

    protected $table = 'blog';

    public function scopeWhereSlug($query, $slug)

        return $query->where('slug', '=', $slug);



Now, with the BlogBinder ready, we can add it to the `app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php'

// app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Routing\Router;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\RouteServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;

use SSD\LaravelRoutes\RouteModelBinderFactory;
use App\Http\Routes\ModelBindings\BlogBinder;

class RouteServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

    protected $namespace = 'App\Http\Controllers';

    public function boot(Router $router)


        RouteModelBinderFactory::bind(new BlogBinder, $router);


    public function map(Router $router)
        $router->group(['namespace' => $this->namespace], function ($router) {
            require app_path('Http/routes.php');

Model binding tip

You are more likely to use slug with the front end of your application - so just to boost the performance a bit, let's cache the model for the slug binding. To do this - create a new, BaseBinder class under App\Http\Routes\ModelBindings and to make it easier - let's use nespot/carbon package. First add Carbon dependency with the composer.

composer require nesbot/carbon

Now create BaseBinder class with the cache method. I'm caching for just one day, but feel free to make it as long as you need

// app/Http/Routes/ModelBindings/BaseBinder.php

namespace App\Http\Routes\ModelBindings;

use Carbon\Carbon;

abstract class BaseBinder {

    protected function cache($key, callable $default)

        $value = app('')->get($key);

        if (is_null($value)) {

            $arguments = func_get_args();

            $value = call_user_func_array($default, array_splice($arguments, 2));

            app('')->put($key, $value, Carbon::now()->addDay(1));


        return $value;



Finally modify the BlogBinder class

// app/Http/Routes/ModelBindings/BlogBinder.php

namespace App\Http\Routes\ModelBindings;

use Illuminate\Routing\Router;
use SSD\LaravelRoutes\RouteModelBinderContract;

use App\Blog;

class BlogBinder extends BaseBinder implements RouteModelBinderContract

    public function bind(Router $router)

        $router->model('blog_id', Blog::class);

        $router->bind('blog_slug', function($slug) {

            return $this->cache(



    protected function recordBySlug($slug)

        return Blog::whereSlug($slug)->firstOrFail();



And now your model binding will first be served from the database, then, every sub-sequent call will be read from cache for a length of one day. Make sure that when you update record - you also update cached version - or simply remove cache for a corresponding key.