
Manage a set of WordPress options.

v1.0.1 2021-02-03 15:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-10 20:34:40 UTC


Allows to manage a set of options in WordPress.

Requires php 5.4 and WordPress 4.4.

What you will be able to do

  • Decide if your set of options is network-wide or site-wide in a multisite environment,
  • Obviously, get/set/delete values,
  • Provide default and reset values,
  • Cast, sanitize, and validate values automatically,
  • Create an upgrade process.

How to install

With composer:

"require": {
	"screenfeed/autowpoptions": "*"

How to use

Create one class that extends Sanitization\AbstractSanitization. This class will contain the following:

Default values

Required. They are used when an option has no value yet. Their type is used to decide how to cast the values.

Reset values

Optional. Reset values are used if the whole set of options does not exist yet: sometimes you may want them to be different from the default values. Default values are used for the missing reset values.
You could also use them in a "Reset Options" process for example.

A sanitization method

Required. It is run for each option, when getting/updating it.

A validation method

Required (but can simply return the entry if not needed). It is run once for all options on update. It allows to edit some values, depending on others for example.

Two keywords as class properties

Required. They are used in hook names.


How to create an option that is stored as an array in the WordPress' options table:

  • The option name is myplugin_settings,
  • The current plugin version is 2.3,
  • The option must be network-wide on a multisite install.
use Screenfeed\AutoWPOptions\Storage\WpOption;
use Screenfeed\AutoWPOptions\Options;

$option_name    = 'myplugin_settings';
$network_wide   = true;
$plugin_version = '2.3';

$options_sanitization = new MyOptionsSanitization( $plugin_version );
$options_storage      = new WpOption( $option_name, $network_wide );
$options              = new Options( $options_storage, $options_sanitization );

$foobar = $options->get( 'foobar' ); // Returns an array of positive integers.

The MyOptionsSanitization class:

  • The two keywords myplugin and settings are used in hook names, like the filter get_myplugin_settings_foobar.
use Screenfeed\AutoWPOptions\Sanitization\AbstractSanitization;

class OptionSanitization extends AbstractSanitization {

	 * Prefix used in hook names.
	 * @var string
	protected $prefix = 'myplugin';

	 * Suffix used in hook names.
	 * @var string
	protected $identifier = 'settings';

	 * The default values.
	 * These are the "zero state" values.
	 * Don't use null as value.
	 * @var array<mixed>
	protected $default_values = [
		'foobar' => [],
		'barbaz' => 0,

	 * Sanitizes and validates an option value. Basic casts have been made.
	 * @param  string $key     The option key.
	 * @param  mixed  $value   The value.
	 * @param  mixed  $default The default value.
	 * @return mixed
	protected function sanitize_and_validate_value( $key, $value, $default ) {
		switch ( $key ) {
			case 'foobar':
				return is_array( $value ) ? array_unique( array_map( 'absint', $value ) ) : [];
			case 'barbaz':
				return absint( $value );

		return false;

	 * Validates all options before storing them. Basic sanitization and validation have been made, row by row.
	 * @param  array<mixed> $values The option value.
	 * @return array<mixed>
	protected function validate_values_on_update( array $values ) {
		if ( ! in_array( $values['barbaz'], $values['foobar'], true ) ) {
			$values['barbaz'] = $this->default_values['barbaz'];
		return $values;

An "upgrade process"?

The plugin version used when instanciating MyOptionsSanitization is stored in the option and can be used in a future plugin release for an upgrade process.
For example:

$site_version = $options->get( 'version' );

if ( version_compare( $site_version, '1.2' ) < 0 ) {
	$options->set( [ 'barbaz', 8 ] );

$options->set( [ 'version', '2.5' ] );

Reserved keyworks

Don't use the following keywords as option keys, they are used internally:

  • cached
  • version


You may want to store your options elsewhere than the WordPress' options table, maybe in configuration file (heck, why not). This package is built in such a way that it is possible.
To do so, you need to create a class that will replace Screenfeed\AutoWPOptions\Storage\WpOption, and implement Screenfeed\AutoWPOptions\Storage\StorageInterface.