
Check PHP user and core function is deprecated

3.0.0 2020-01-25 12:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-25 20:31:20 UTC


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IsDeprecated is PHP7 Helper that can help you detect if your function is deprecated with E_USER_DEPRECATED and E_DEPRECATED level.


  • Detect on independent function (E_USER_DEPRECATED)
  • Detect on function inside class (E_USER_DEPRECATED)
  • Detect on core php function (E_DEPRECATED)


Require uses composer:

composer require samsonasik/is-deprecated


There are 2 functions:

1. For user defined function

 * @param  string|array $function the "functionName" or ["ClassName" or object, "functionName"] or "ClassName::functionName"
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException when trigger_error found but the error is not E_USER_DEPRECATED
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException when trigger_error and E_USER_DEPRECATED found but misplaced
 * @return bool
function isDeprecatedUser($function): bool

Note: when trigger_error E_USER_DEPRECATED inside condition, you need to use actual call with signature:

 * @param  callable $function callable function
 * @return bool
function isDeprecatedWithActualCall(callable $function)

2. For core PHP function

 * @param  callable $function callable function
 * @return bool
function isDeprecatedCore(callable $function): bool

Example On independent function

include 'vendor/autoload.php'; // autoload may already handled by your framework

use function IsDeprecated\isDeprecatedUser;
use function IsDeprecated\isDeprecatedWithActualCall;

function foo()
    trigger_error('this method has been deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    echo 'foo' . PHP_EOL;

function foonotdeprecated()
    echo 'foo' . PHP_EOL;

function fooDeprecatedWithCondition()
    if (1 === 1) {
        trigger_error('this method has been deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        echo 'foo' . PHP_EOL;

// deprecated
var_dump(isDeprecatedUser('foo')); // true  OR for deprecate with condition
var_dump(isDeprecatedWithActualCall(function () {
})); // true

// not deprecated
var_dump(isDeprecatedUser('foonotdeprecated')); // false

// Usage Example:
if (isDeprecatedUser('foo')) {
} else {

Example On function inside class

include 'vendor/autoload.php'; // autoload may already handled by your framework

use function IsDeprecated\isDeprecatedUser;
use function IsDeprecated\isDeprecatedWithActualCall;

class Aclass
    function foo()
        trigger_error('this method has been deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        echo 'foo' . PHP_EOL;

    function foodeprecatedWithCondition()
        if (1 === 1) {
            trigger_error('this method has been deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        echo 'foo' . PHP_EOL;

    function foonotdeprecated()
        echo 'foo' . PHP_EOL;

    // you may call inside the class
    // with $this as first index of array parameter
    function execute()
        if (isDeprecatedUser([$this, 'foo'])) {


// deprecated
var_dump(isDeprecatedUser(['Aclass', 'foo'])); // true OR
var_dump(isDeprecatedUser([new \Aclass(), 'foo'])); // true OR
var_dump(isDeprecatedUser('Aclass::foo')); // true OR for deprecate with condition

var_dump(isDeprecatedWithActualCall(function () { // true
    new \Aclass()->foo();

// not deprecated
var_dump(isDeprecatedUser(['Aclass', 'foonotdeprecated'])); // false OR
var_dump(isDeprecatedUser([new \Aclass, 'foonotdeprecated'])); // false OR
var_dump(isDeprecatedUser('Aclass::foonotdeprecated')); // false

// Usage Example:
if (isDeprecatedUser(['Aclass', 'foo'])) {
    (new \Aclass())->foonotdeprecated();;
} else {
    (new \Aclass())->foo();;

Example On core PHP function

include 'vendor/autoload.php'; // autoload may already handled by your framework

use function IsDeprecated\isDeprecatedCore;

$function = function () {
    mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);

//on php 7.1
var_dump(isDeprecatedCore($function)); // true

//on php 7.0
var_dump(isDeprecatedCore($function)); // false

// Usage Example:
if (isDeprecatedCore($function)) {
    // alternative function, eg: openssl ...
} else {


For Core PHP Functions or user function with condition (T_IF or T_SWITCH token), the function passed actually need to be called. It ensure that we don't get error during call deprecated function, and we can use alternative function if the isDeprecatedCore() returns true with call of isDeprecatedWithActualCall.


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