salamek / nette-tempnam
This is a simple tempnam extension for Nette Framework
2022-03-04 14:23 UTC
- nette/caching: ^3.1
- nette/di: >=2.4
Requires (Dev)
- nette/tester: @dev
This is a simple tempnam extension for Nette Framework It creates temp files in %tempDir%/tempnam
Why ?
Sometines you just need to create tempfile such as PDF, Latte templates etc... and you dont want to put them into sys_get_temp_dir()
(/tmp) and keep them in your Nette project %tempDir%... or just acces same temp file multiple times
The best way to install salamek/nette-tempnam is using Composer:
$ composer require salamek/nette-tempnam:@dev
Then you have to register extension in config.neon
extensions: tempnam: Salamek\Tempnam\DI\TempnamExtension
If you wish to change tempnam path just add this to your config:
tempnam: tempDir: %tempDir%/tempnam
Usage example
/** @var Salamek\Tempnam\Tempnam @inject */ public $tempnam; $key = 'my_tempnam_key_1'; // Lets say ID of record in database $data = 'My File COntent'; // Lets say record from database we want as file $updatedAt = new \DateTime('YYYY-mm-dd'); // Lets say updatedAt column from database to expire tempnam file when record in database is changed // Load temFile Path or null $tempFile = $this->tempnam->load($key, $updatedAt); if ($tempFile === null) { $tempFile = $this->tempnam->save($key, $data, $updatedAt); } echo file_get_contents($tempFile); // My File COntent
$this->tempnam->getTempDir(); //Returns tempDir $this->tempnam->remove($key); //Removes tempnam file by its $key $this->tempnam->load($key, \DateTimeInterface $updatedAt = null); //Returns tempnam file path by its key if updatedAt matches or returns null $this->tempnam->save($key, $data, \DateTimeInterface $updatedAt = null) //Saves tempnam file by $key with $data content, returns tempnam path