
A simple template engine: standard php syntax + templating niceties.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

1.0.0 2016-01-06 22:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-03-01 16:27:34 UTC


This is a simple templating engine for php. It uses standard php syntax and doesn't require you to learn any new templating languages.

It does introduce a few template-specific features that make writing MVC views a little less painful.

Please note that documentation here is not yet complete.

Getting started

Use composer to install Saffyre Templates:

$ composer require saffyre/templates

In your php, specify the directory containing your template files:


Saffyre\Template::$baseDir = "/path/to/templates";

Create a template

Create a php file in the templates directory that you specified:


This is a template file. You can use <?=$this->regularPhpSyntax?> here.

    echo "You can also use regular php blocks.";

Use a template

When you want to use a template, create an instance of Saffyre\Template and echo it. You can assign variables to it, which will be available inside the template.


use Saffyre\Template;

$myTemplate = new Template('example.php');
$myTemplate->regularPhpSyntax = 'regular php syntax';

echo $myTemplate;

You can also pass variables into the Template constructor directly, using an array:

$myTemplate = new Template('example.php', [ 'regularPhpSyntax' => 'regular php syntax' ]);

If you would rather retrieve the results of the template (instead of outputting it), Simply "invoke" the template like a function:

$results = $myTemplate();
