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Convert a non-Composer managed WordPress application into a Composer-managed application.

0.1.0 2019-12-22 21:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 09:41:55 UTC


Composerize WordPress is a Composer plugin that converts a non-Composer-managed WordPress application (e.g., one created via tarball) to a Composer-managed WordPress application. It is based on Composerize Drupal by Grasmash.

It is not for creating new WordPress applications.


The composerize-wordpress command will perform the following operations:

  • Remove all composer.json and composer.lock files, should they exist
  • Generate a new composer.json in the [composer-root] directory based on template.composer.json.
    • Populate require with an entry for pantheon-systems/wordpress-composer
    • Populate require with an entry for each project in:
      • [core-root]/wp-content/plugins
      • [core-root]/wp-content/themes
  • Create or modify [composer-root]/.gitignore with entries for Composer-managed contributed projects as per best practices. You can modify .gitignore after composerization if you'd prefer not to follow this practice.
  • Execute composer update to generate composer.lock, autoload files, and install all dependencies in the correct locations.

It will NOT add any contributed projects in docroot/libraries to composer.json. You must add those to your composer.json file manually. In addition to packagist and Wpackagist.org packages, you may also use any package from asset packagist, which makes NPM packages available to Composer.


composer global require rvtraveller/composerize-wordpress


cd path/to/wordpress/project/repo
composer composerize-wordpress --composer-root=[repo-root] --core-root=[core-root]

The [composer-root] should be the root directory of your project, where .git is located.

The [core-root] should be the WordPress root, where wp-load.php is located.


# WordPress is located in a `docroot` subdirectory.
composer composerize-wordpress --composer-root=. --core-root=./docroot

# WordPress is located in a `web` subdirectory.
composer composerize-wordpress --composer-root=. --core-root=./web

# WordPress is located in a `public_html` subdirectory (cPanel compatible).
composer composerize-wordpress --composer-root=. --core-root=./public_html

# WordPress is located in the repository root, not in a subdirectory.
composer composerize-wordpress --composer-root=. --core-root=.


  • --composer-root: Specifies the root directory of your project where composer.json will be generated. This should be the root of your Git repository, where .git is located.
  • --core-root: Specifies the WordPress root directory where wp-load.php is located.
  • --no-update: Prevents composer update from being automatically run after composer.json is generated.
  • --no-gitignore: Prevents modification of the root .gitignore file.
  • --exact-versions: Will cause WordPress core and contributed projects (plugins, themes) to be be required with exact verions constraints in composer.json, rather than using the default caret operator. E.g., a wordpress/core would be required as 5.0 rather than ^5.0. This prevents projects from being updated. It is not recommended as a long-term solution, but may help you convert to using Composer more easily by reducing the size of the change to your project.