
Simple php cart library

0.2.0 2017-06-25 23:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-17 17:52:35 UTC


A simple PHP cart library offering several interfaces to support easy adaption to your needs.

You can find a basic example implementation at:


this library is under active development and not recommenden for use in production environments


It is recommended to install this package via Composer:

composer require rodacker/cart


Creating the cart

Create the cart object with new Cart() passing an identifier object implementing CartIdentifierInterface,
an storage object implementing CartStorageInterface and a Currency object from the moneyphp/money library:

$cart = new Cart(new Session(), new SessionStorage(), new Currency('EUR');

Identifier and Storage

This package ships with two basic identifier classes:

  • Rodacker\Cart\Identifier\Cookie
  • Rodacker\Cart\Identifier\Session

and with one SessionStorage class:


Both identifer classes are based on native PHP session and cookie functions. This can be useful for standalone PHP applications, but may post a problem for frameworks like Symfony using their own session implementation. In the latter case you have to create your own identifier class implementing CartIdentifierInterface

The same with the SessionStorage class. It uses native PHP session functions to store the cart. Replace it with an own class implementing CartSessionInterface and you will be fine.

Interacting with cart items

The cart provides several function to interact with the items stored in the cart.

Cart items

The package comes with a CartItem class. This object does not implement any interface yet, but will in the future.

Create a new item with:

$item = new CartItem($product, Money::EUR($price), $quantity);
  • $product needs to be a class implementing CartItemInterface
  • $price is the Money object representing the price as smallest possible value in the given currency, e.g. 100 = 1 € or 900 = 9.99 € Please read the Money documenation how to work with the `Money object
  • $quantity is optional (defaults to 1) and needs to be an `integer > 1

Product/Article class

As of now there is no Product or Article class shipping with this package, as I thought in most cases you will make your existing product classes usable by implementing the CartItemInterface. I will add a simple class in the near future.

You can find a basic Arcticle class in the cart example

 $article = new Article($name, $price, $images);
  • $name is a string
  • $price is the Money object representing the price as smallest possible value in the given currency, e.g. 100 = 1 € or 900 = 9.99 € Please read the Money documenation how to work with the `Money object
  • $images an array if objects implementing CartImageInterface. The related functions can return an empty array if you do not need images in the cart

Add an item

Pass a CartItem object to the function. If the cart includes an item with the same product, the quantiy will be added to the existing one.

/** @var CartItemInterface $item */

remove an item**

Pass a CartItem object to the function.

/** @var CartItemInterface $item */

Update item quantity

Pass the CartItem object, the quantity difference and the decrease flag (defaults to false) to the function. The minimum quantity is limited to 1

$cart->updateItemQuantity($item, $diff, $decrease = false);

... to be continued


Some refactoring ideas and features for the future:

  • add attributes support
  • add price manipulation rules (e.g. coupons, per item, per cart, etc.)
  • add shipping costs support (not sure about this)
  • add tax support
  • add more constraints and exceptions
  • write more tests for constraints, exceptsion and edge cases
  • create new identifier and storage implementations based on the symfony/http-foundation package which can be used optionally.
  • evaluate event dispatcher integration


Please visit the Gitlab project page and use the issue tracker for any feedback or issues you may have.


This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license