
More secure and easy to use templating system for php5.4+

0.3 2023-01-05 12:17 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-05 16:05:13 UTC


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More secure and easy to use templating system for php5.4+.

Design goals:

  • Interface-driven and dependency-injection-friendly
  • Secure by default, unsecure if needed
  • Lightweight, easy to understand and stable
  • No extra scripting language. Use PHP to write templates.


You will need this somewhere to convert a template-file into a string:

$factory = new FileViewFactory(__DIR__.'/path/to/my/template/folder');
$renderer = $factory->create('module');
$renderer->add('myVar', 1234);
$content = $renderer->render('action');
echo $content;

FileViewFactory implements an interface called ViewFactory. You can use this interface to Build your very own Factories that create different renderers and so on. This is especially useful, if you need a way to change the change the implementation some day. This is also useful it you use a Dependency Injection Container to wire your components together:

class MyCtrl {
	/** @var ViewFactory */
	private $viewFactory;

	 * @param ViewFactory $viewFactory
	public function __construct(ViewFactory $viewFactory) {
		$this->viewFactory = $viewFactory;

	 * @return string
	public function someAction() {
		$content = $this->viewFactory->create('module')
		->add('myVar', 1234)
		return $content;

Use typehinting

In PHP-Templates, you can use typehinting which is recognized by IDEs like PHPStorm, ZendStudio or PDT (and maybe others).


<?php /* @var \View\Workers\Worker $this */ ?>
<?php /* @var \Some\Name\Spaced\Object $obj */ ?>
<?php $obj = $this->get('obj') ?>

<div><?= $obj->getName() ?></div>

Enable escaping even for objects and method-calls

Instead of using $renderer->get('obj'), just use $renderer->getObject('obj').


<?php /* @var \View\Workers\Worker $this */ ?>
<?php /* @var \Some\Name\Spaced\Object $obj */ ?>
<?php $obj = $this->getObject('obj') ?>

<div><?= $obj->getName() ?></div>



<?php /* @var \View\Workers\Worker $this */ ?>

<?php $this->layout('layout', ['title' => 'My Site']) ?>

This will be part of the region "content".

<?php $this->region('left') ?>
This will be part of the region "left".
<?php $this->end() ?>


<?php /* @var \View\Workers\Worker $this */ ?>

		<title>MySite<?php if($this->has('title')): ?> - <?= $this->getString('title') ?><?php endif ?></title>
		<div id="content">
			<?= $this->get('content') ?>
		<div id="left">
			<?= $this->get('left') ?>