
v1.0.22 2022-04-25 16:57 UTC


Process control for running artisan commands as a deamon. Respects all sigterm commands sent. Includes TTL driver and RunOnce drivers. This should work for Laravel too, but its only been tested with lumen.


When running artisan commands as a background deamon process, the ProcessControl will ensure that SIGTERMs are respected. This is especially important when running artisan commands as the docker entrypoint. It will respect docker's kill signal and give you a chance to finish work before exiting.


With composer:

composer require resgen/lumen-proc:1.0.*

Ensure pcntl_async_signals is enabled for your php install. Example docker alpine RUN:

RUN docker-php-ext-install pcntl 


Add the laravel service provider Resgen\Common\Proc\ProcessControlProvider to your app.

Then add the following ENV var with the selected driver:


By default, the TTL drivers will log an INFO heart beat every ~5 seconds. You can also disable the heart beat log by doing:


You may enable SignalException to be thrown asynchronously when a signal is processed, this will happen from wherever your normal code is being executed and gives you a chance to clean things up gracefully while still responding immediately to signals (or ignore them if appropriate.)


Available Drivers


ENV name: ttl.

Runs for N number of seconds. Defaults to 300s runtime. Logs a heart beat message every ~6 seconds. You can adjust the runtime by setting the LUMEN_PROC_TTL=1000s. Will exit if a SIGTERM is sent. Intended to be used with a process supervisor like runit, supervisord or inside a docker orchestration env like kubernetes.


ENV name: ttl_hardexit.

Same as TtlProcessDriver, but throws exception as soon as signal is recieved.


ENV name: keepalive.

Runs until a SIGTERM signal is sent. Not recommended for production usage. Processes should cycle.


ENV name: runonce.

Will escape immediately when check() is called.

Example Usage

class ExampleCommand extends LoopingCommand
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected $name = 'resgen';

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected $signature = 'resgen:example';

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected function init()
        // Called prior to the first loop
        // returning `false` will cause the command to stop & exit

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected function loop()
        // Called repeatedly until an exit signal is received or thrown

        return 1;   // Return the number of seconds to sleep/idle until loop() should be called again

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected function exiting()
        // Called just prior to command handler returns for cleanup

Cron Calls

LoopingCommand automatically enables internal cron calls of functions to occur at regular intervals. This check happens each time loop() returns control or while the command is sleeping.

Example Usage

class ExampleCommand extends LoopingCommand
    /* ...snip... */
    protected function init()
    /** Check that $dir exists, if not, create it. */
    protected function dirCheck($dir) 
        if(!is_dir($dir)) {
            mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
    /** Report on the current state every 60 seconds */
    protected function report()
        Log::info('Sample report every 60 seconds.');