
Extend the functionality of ZF2 config as well as allow config sources to be changed

1.2.3 2020-06-25 17:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-26 03:30:32 UTC


Module title:

RCM Config

Module description:

Extend the functionality of ZF2 config as well as allow config sources to be changed

  • Models my be written and injected to pull from any source by category
  • ZF2 ConfigModel and Doctine ConfigModel is available by default
  • Allows for config sources to be changed without impact to existing code
  • Allows for a standard for storing config values
Config Example:
    // Example of a config array as might be defined in ZF2 config
    'Reliv\RcmConfig' => [
        'myCategory' => [
            '_DEFAULT' => [
                'myPropertyName1' => 'my value',
                'myPropertyName2' => ['my value1', 'my value2'],
            'myContext' => [
                'myPropertyName1' => 'my value over-ride',
    // Example of defining a model for a category
    'Reliv\RcmConfig\Models' => [
        'myCategory' => \Reliv\RcmConfig\Model\ConfigModel::class,
Usage Example
    /** Using /Zend\ServiceManager/ServiceManager as $serviceLocator */

    $configService = $serviceLocator->get(\Reliv\RcmConfig\Service\ConfigService::class);

    $value = $configService->getValue(
    /** Outputs: 'my value over-ride' */
    $value = $configService->getValue(
    /** Outputs: ['my value1', 'my value2'] */
    /** Other Methods */
        $cs->getAll('myCategory', 'myContext'),
        $cs->getListValue('myCategory', 'myPropertyName1'),
        $cs->getPrimary('myCategory', 'myContext')
Project author:

James Jervis



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