rasodu / services
Quick server for Laravel
Installs: 77
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Stars: 2
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Open Issues: 9
Start DLEMP server with prebuilt docker images. This is much faster than building images from dockerfiles.
What are goals of this project?
- Provide disposable PHP development environment.
- Provide isolated PHP development environment for each of your projects.
- Allow developers to manage and version control PHP environment on per project basis.(Developers can easily install additional PHP extensions)
- Provide quick way to run PHP project in single server production setup and clear path to scale app in production.
Which version of PHP do you support?
We support PHP 5.6 and 7.0
How do I install this?
- If you don't have an existing project, then create a new project
docker-machine ssh default
(Only if you are not on Linux machine)
cd <project-dir>
docker run --rm -it --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/WEBAPP rasodu/cmdlaravel:7.0.1 /bin/bash
laravel new [new-project-dir]
orcomposer create-project laravel/laravel=5.1.<*|33> <.|new-project-dir>
- Add DLEMPFast to your project
docker run --rm -it --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/WEBAPP rasodu/cmdlaravel:7.0.1 /bin/bash
composer require rasodu/services:dev-master
mkdir public
If it doesn't existmkdir -p services/docker-config
- Copy
file formrasodu/DLEMP
to your project's root folder - In you project's '.env'(and also to '.env.example' if it exist) file create following variables list :
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=<your_project_name> DLEMPFAST_CONTEXT=../../../../../ DLEMPFAST_BASE_DIR=vendor/rasodu/services/ DLEMPFAST_CONFIG_DIR=vendor/rasodu/services/ DLEMPFAST_PROJECT_DIR= DLEMPFAST_RASODU_MYSQL_VERSION=5.6.28 DLEMPFAST_RASODU_PHPFPMLARAVEL_VERSION=7.0 DLEMPFAST_RASODU_PHPFPMLARAVEL_CONFIG_DIR=vendor/rasodu/services/ DLEMPFAST_RASODU_PHPFPMLARAVEL_DOCKERFILE_DIR=vendor/rasodu/services/ COMPOSE_FILE=vendor/rasodu/services/services/composefile/phpfpmlaravel/c.yml;vendor/rasodu/services/services/composefile/phpfpmlaravel/c.override.yml;vendor/rasodu/services/services/composefile/httpbackendlaravelnginx/c.yml;vendor/rasodu/services/services/composefile/httpbackendlaravelnginx/c.override.yml;vendor/rasodu/services/services/composefile/loadbalancernginx/c.yml
chmod 777 -R bootstrap/cache/ && chmod 777 -R storage/
- Try to start server with
docker-compose up -d
command - Once server starts successfully, commit changed files to your project.
- Optional installation steps
- Add
to your project's '.gitignore' : If you will be generating phpunit code coverage.
- If you want to use browser sync, then add following code to 'gulpfile.js'.
mix.browserSync({ proxy: 'https://https', port: 3002, ui: { port: 3001 } });
cp "vendor/rasodu/services/com/rasodu/zz-other-references/makefiles/Makefile-Laravel" Makefile
and configure Makefile settings for your project : If you want Makefile for your project.mkdir -p com/rasodu/phpfpmlaravel/customization && cp -a vendor/rasodu/services/com/rasodu/phpfpmlaravel/customization/. com/rasodu/phpfpmlaravel/customization/
: If you want to set custom config.- Add 'APP_LOG=errorlog' to .env and .env-example
- Add
How do I start development server?
docker-compose up -d
: start development serverdocker-compose stop
: stop development serverdocker-compose down --rmi local -v
: remove containers, networks, local images and volumes
How do I enter cmd container?
docker exec -it --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) <your_project_name>_cmd_1 /bin/bash
How do I customize nginx settings?
How do I customize PHP settings?
How do I install additional PHP extensions?
How do I use FakeS3 during development?
How do I use Xdebug?
- Server
- Server is already configure for Xdebug. No further configuration is needed.
- Host
- Web browser
- Install Chrome.
- Install Xdebug helper extensions in Chrome.
- IDE(We will assume that you are using Eclipse PDT - https://wiki.eclipse.org/Debugging_using_XDebug)
- Global Eclipse PDT settings
- Eclipse PDT has built in support for Xdebug. No additional plugin need to be installed.
- Add server
- Windows->Preferences->PHP->Servers->New
- Server
- Server Name: <project-name>
- Base URL: https://webapp.dev
- Document Root: <project-folder-root-on-host>
- Debugger
- Debugger: XDebug
- Port: 9000
- Path Mapping
- Path on server: /usr/share/nginx/WEBAPP
- Local path(Path in File System): <path-to-project-folder>
- Server
- Windows->Preferences->PHP->Servers->New
- Project specific Eclipse PDT settings
- Set PHP Interpreter
- Project->Properties->PHP->Interpreter
- Check: Enable project specific settings
- PHP Version: <select-correct-version-of-php>
- Project->Properties->PHP->Interpreter
- Select server for project
- Project->Properties->PHP->Debug
- Check: Enable project specific settings
- Server Settings
- PHP Server: <select-php-server>
- Encoding Settings
- Debug Transfer Encoding: UTF-8
- Debug Output Encoding: UTF-8
- Default Base URL
- Base Path: /
- Auto-generated Base URL: https://webapp.dev/
- Uncheck: Break at First Line
- Project->Properties->PHP->Debug
- Set PHP Interpreter
- Global Eclipse PDT settings
- Web browser
How do I generate phpunit code coverage?
Does this project support Laravel Broadcasting Events?
Does this project support Laravel Queue?
How do I start production server?
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d
: to start services on production serverdocker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml build [service-name]
: to build all services or to rebuild single servicedocker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d --no-deps <service-name>
: to start single service- Note: Not all services available during development are available in production. 's3mock' and 'cmd' will not be created during production. You should use S3 during production.
Which optimization should you perform on your production Laravel website?
composer install --no-dev
composer dump-autoload --optimize
in .env file 'APP_ENV=production' and 'APP_DEBUG=false'
php artisan optimize --force
php artisan route:cache
php artisan config:cache
How do I get SSL certificate for production server?
docker-machine ssh <production-machine-name>
docker run --rm -it -v <project-name>_etc-letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt -v <project-name>_acme-challenge:/DLEMP/letsencrypt/public/.well-known/acme-challenge <project-name>_letsencrypt /bin/bash
/DLEMP/letsencrypt/bin/letsencrypt-auto --version
/DLEMP/letsencrypt/bin/letsencrypt-auto certonly --agree-tos
ln -sf /etc/letsencrypt/live/<domain>/privkey.pem /etc/letsencrypt/privkey.pem
ln -sf /etc/letsencrypt/live/<domain>/fullchain.pem /etc/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml restart nginxhttps
How do I scale my app in production?
How do I run my app in AWS ECS cluster?
- Required tools
- Common
- Docker Toolbox
- Environment specific
- Kubernetes
- kubectl
- kompose
- Kubernetes cluster(An ECS cluster(ECS CLI) : All instance in the cluster should have AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role policy)
- Common
- Create final combined compose file(Only if you are using kubernetes cluster)
docker-compose config > compose-combined.yml
- Change version number from '2.0' to '2' in compose-combined.yml
- Push images to repository
- AWS EC2 Container Registry
$(aws ecr get-login)
docker-compose build
docker push <tag>:<version>
//Push all custom images for the project: docker images | grep -i <COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME>- docker logout
- Google Container Registry
- <Needs intructions>
- AWS EC2 Container Registry
- Create cluster
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Create AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Multicontainer Docker Environment with Load Balancer
- Add policy
role //this will allow EC2 instances to access EC2 Container Registry - Create app specific
- Create Google Container Cluster
- <Needs intructions>
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Run containers
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Lod your app specific
in your Elastic Beanstalk Environment
- Lod your app specific
- Kubernets cluster(These instructions need improvement.)
- Build images:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
anddocker-compose build
kompose -f compose-combined.yml up
kubectl get deployments,rs,pods,services
kubectl expose deployment <deployment-name> --type=LoadBalancer --port=<port-number> [--target-port=<>]
kubectl edit svc/docker-registry
- Check service is running :
curl http://$(minikube ip):32599/
- Build images:
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk