
Memcached Textpattern CMS templates

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0.3.0 2022-04-22 18:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-22 23:20:55 UTC


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A plugin for Textpattern CMS that stores parts of your templates in Memcached, a distributed in-memory key-value caching system.


Using Composer:

$ composer require rah/rah_memcached

Or download an installer package.


The plugin, rah_memcached, introduces a new container tag to Textpattern’s arsenal. The tag stores the wrapped content, and variables set within it, in Memcached’s in-memory storage.

    <txp:variable name="variable1" value="value" />
    <txp:article_custom limit="200">
        <txp:title />

On subsequent calls the resulting output markup and variables will be loaded from memory, skipping template parsing and code execution, speeding up your site and alleviating database load.



Connected server can be configured through Textpattern’s textpattern/config.php file:

define('RAH_MEMCACHED_HOST', 'localhost');
define('RAH_MEMCACHED_PORT', 11211);


    ...contained statement...

The tag is a container and attributes for it follow.

Sets a name, a key, for the cached item. The given name is used identify the item, and save and fetch it from the storage. If a name is not defined, it’s automatically created by hashing the given contained markup. While the name is optional, giving it is more efficient and avoids any potential hash collisions.
Default: undefined Example: name="mykey"

Time in seconds it takes to the stored item to expire and be refreshed. If zero (0), the cache is kept in memory until the cache is flushed or Memcached is restarted.
Default: 0 Example: expires="3600"

If enabled, ignores content updates as set by site’s lastmod timestamp. By default, the cache is invalidated when Texptatern’s lastmod timestamp is updated, which is done when any content is updated.
Default: disabled Example: persist


Store section navigation in memory

<rah::memcached name="navigation">
    <txp:section_list wraptag="ul" break="li">
        <txp:section />

Store variables in memory

    <txp:variable name="color" value="red" />
    <txp:variable name="size" value="small" />

Color: <txp:variable name="color" />
Size: <txp:variable name="size" />


Version 0.3.0 – 2022/04/22

  • Fixes PHP >= 8.1 compatibility.
  • Now requires PHP >= 8.1.

Version 0.2.0 – 2022/04/17

  • Register the tag for Textpattern >= 4.7.0 compatibility.
  • Replaced lastmod attribute with persist.
  • Now requires PHP >= 7.2.0.
  • Now requires Textpattern >= 4.7.0.

Version 0.1.0 – 2014/03/19

  • Initial release.