
Effortlessly bind your PyroCMS Streams to the GraphQL API service. A great alternative to the non-free pro api-module addon.

0.3.0 2018-10-12 19:02 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 10:31:28 UTC



This module aims to provide an easy yet flexiable way to bind your PyroCMS Streams to a GraphQL API. This module integrates nuwave/lighthouse with PyroCMS Streams.

Please make sure you have a basic understanding of:


A small usage preview of this module.

1. Configure the bindings


return [
    // other config options redacted, check out the documentation for a full overview
    'default_field_resolutions' => [
        'anomaly.field_type.addon'       => 'String',
        'anomaly.field_type.blocks'      => 'String',
        'anomaly.field_type.boolean'     => 'Boolean',
        'anomaly.field_type.checkboxes'  => 'Boolean',
        'anomaly.field_type.colorpicker' => 'String',
    'stream_bindings'           => [
        // namespace::slug
        'users::users'                 => [

            // generator results: type User {}
            'type_name'   => 'User',

            // PyroCMS Stream field assignment => GraphQL field type
            'resolutions' => [
                // custom type resolutions
                'id'         => 'ID',
                'roles'      => '[UserRole!] @hasMany',
                'created_at' => 'Date',
                'updated_at' => 'Date',
                'deleted_at' => 'Date',

                // The fields below will be resolved using the `default_field_resolutions`
                // If you want, you can assign a custom type resolutions like above

                // protect fields by requiring authentication and permissions
                'email' => 'String @role(roles: ["admin"], operator: "AND")',
                'email' => 'String @role(roles: ["user", "guest"], operator: "NOT")',
                'email' => 'String @role(roles: ["admin", "user"], operator: "OR")',
        // other streams...

2. Generate the schema.graphql

When you have defined all stream bindings and resolutions to your liking then you need to run the generator. This will generate a GraphQL schema definition file that will be used by Lighthouse:

php artisan api:generate

3. And voila!

GraphQL Query and Result



Add to composer

composer require radic/graphql_streams_api-module

Install addon

php artisan addon:install radic.module.graphql_streams_api

Publish the addon

To customize and define your GraphQL service use the api:publish command.

This will publish the configuration and schema files to resources/{application}/addons/radic/graphql_streams_api.

php artisan api:publish


You can customize/define the GraphQL service in resources/{application}/addons/radic/graphql_streams_api:

  • config/config.php
  • schema/queryable.graphqls
  • schema/core.graphqls


  • output : The path where the schema will be generated.
  • imports : Paths to other schema definition files that will be included in the generated schema output.


This defines the streams that you want to be generated as GraphQL types.

'stream_bindings' => [
    // '{namespace}::{slug}'
    'users::users' => [
        'type_name'   => 'User', // The resulting GraphQL schema type name.
        'resolutions' => [
            'roles' => '[UserRole!] @hasMany',
    'users::roles' => [
        'type_name'   => 'UserRole',
        'resolutions' => [

The resolutions are used to define the streams fields that should be in the GraphQL type. You can either:

  • Define only stream field name (like 'slugs'). The generator will use the default_field_bindings to resolve the GraphQL type automatically.
  • Define the stream field name and a custom GraphQL field type. This is usually done with relationship fields or if you want to add some directive(s) to the field.


After modifying the config.php or any of the defined schema.imports files you need to generate the output schema by running

php artisan api:generate

This will generate the schema in the configured schema.output file path.


Copyright 2018 - Robin Radic - MIT License