
A user pack for Silex

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2016-06-01 14:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 10:43:27 UTC


Silex User Pack provides a basic user security provider.

It was inspired by Silex SimpleUser

It's based on Silex 2.x security provider doc.


  • login form
  • register form with email verification
  • lost password form


composer require quazardous/silex-user-pack


See Silex pack for more informations on how to use packs.

Instantiate a PackableApplication

You have to extends a Quazardous\Silex\PackableApplication and use:

  • Silex\Application\TwigTrait
  • Silex\Application\UrlGeneratorTrait
  • Silex\Application\FormTrait
namespace Acme {
    class Application extends \Quazardous\Silex\PackableApplication {
        use \Silex\Application\TwigTrait;
        use \Silex\Application\UrlGeneratorTrait;
        use \Silex\Application\FormTrait;

$app = new \Acme\Application;

Setup Doctrine ORM

User pack has a default Doctrine ORM user provider.

// provide Doctrine
$app->register(new \Silex\Provider\DoctrineServiceProvider, [

// provide Doctrine ORM
$app->register(new \Dflydev\Provider\DoctrineOrm\DoctrineOrmServiceProviderDoctrineOrmServiceProvider, [

Setup Form

Symfony form component require validation and translation.

$app->register(new \Silex\Provider\ValidatorServiceProvider());
// provide Symfony Doctrine Bridge for UniqueEntity validator
$app->register(new \Saxulum\DoctrineOrmManagerRegistry\Provider\DoctrineOrmManagerRegistryProvider());
$app->register(new \Silex\Provider\LocaleServiceProvider);
$app->register(new \Silex\Provider\TranslationServiceProvider(), [
    'locale' => 'fr',
    'locale_fallbacks' => ['en'],
$app->register(new \Silex\Provider\CsrfServiceProvider());
$app->register(new \Silex\Provider\FormServiceProvider());

Setup Security

User packs conforms with the security provider.

It will just try to make the setup easier and guess inject trivial logic in the security layer.

// provide security
$app->register(new SecurityServiceProvider(), [
    'security.firewalls' => [
        'secured' => array(
            'pattern' => '^/admin/',
            'form' => [
                // user pack will populate the missing mandatory options but you have to set the 'form' key.
                // 'login_path' => '/login',
                // not specifying the login_path here means that user pack has to provide the path and the controller
                // 'check_path' => '/admin/login_check'
                // you can add all the custom scurity options you need
                'default_target_path' => '/admin',
                'failure_path' => '/',
            'logout' => [
                // user pack will populate the missing mandatory options but you have to set the 'logout' key.
                //'logout_path' => '/admin/logout',
                //'invalidate_session' => true,
            'users' => null, // if empty or not set, user pack will provide it for you with the built in Doctrine implementation.

Register User Pack

// register the user pack wich tries to make the authentication easier...
// the user pack will try to complete the 'security.firewalls' for you.
// it will also provide a basic Doctrine ORM user provider and an overridable login form.
$app->register(new SilexUserPack(), [
    'user.firewalls' => [
        // one or more firewalls to manage, see below
        'secured' => [
            // 'secured_mount_prefix' => '/admin' // user pack will try to guess it from the 'pattern' key
            // you can specify non default values for:
            // 'login_path' => '/login', // default, prefixed with 'unsecured_mount_prefix'
            // 'check_path' => '/check_login', // default, prefixed with 'secured_mount_prefix'
            // 'logout_path' => '/logout', // default, prefixed with 'secured_mount_prefix'
            // 'invalidate_session' => true, // default
            // 'register_path' => '/register', // default, prefixed with 'unsecured_mount_prefix'
            // 'recover_password_path' => '/recover_password', // default, prefixed with 'unsecured_mount_prefix'
            // 'mailer_from' => '', // default, the from for the messages sent for registration


The route user.login is automatically created. Its name is derived from the full mounted login_path (all / are replaced with _ and the leading / is stripped and then prefixed with the user pack's decamelize short namespace plus .).

The route user.register is automatically created. Its name is derived from the full mounted register_path (all / are replaced with _ and the leading / is stripped and then prefixed with the user pack's decamelize short namespace plus .).

NB: user pack should be mounted on / (option user.mount_prefix, see Optionnable Pack);


NB: the user. prefix is derived from to the pack name (decamelize short namespace).


user.firewalls is a list of firewalls to manage with Silex User Pack.

'user.firewalls' => [
        // one or more firewalls to manage
        'secured' => [/* specific options see below */]

Silex User Pack will try to guess the firewall authentication provider and inject required config. It knows how to manage form and for the other just injects the users user provider. For form you have to put at least an empty form entry (See above). User pack will try to set up logout as well.

  • unsecured_mount_prefix: default to /
  • secured_mount_prefix: by default we guess it from the pattern key
  • login_path: default to /login, prefixed with unsecured_mount_prefix
  • check_path: default to /check_login, prefixed with secured_mount_prefix
  • logout_path: default to /logout, prefixed with secured_mount_prefix
  • register_path: default to /register, prefixed with unsecured_mount_prefix, can be false to not handle registration
  • recover_password_path: default to /recover_password, prefixed with unsecured_mount_prefix
  • use_email_as_username: default to false, if true the registration form will not ask for a username

Other options

See $app['user.default.options']

  • user.user_entity_class: the class used for the user entity


Go clone the Silex pack demo.