
Premium PHP functions with a salt of functional programming

3.2.1 2022-03-01 10:25 UTC


Funktions is a set of useful PHP functions aiming to ease your life by appending missing ones from PHP core, with a salt for functional programming. It has been heavily inspired by Ruby-ish API and augmented from real life needs from my professional use cases.

These functions are designed:

  • to be immutables
  • to support iterables, not only arrays
  • to support all callables, not only closures
  • to use generators first, because it rocks!



composer require pyrsmk/funktions


use function Funktions\array_flatten;

$fruits = [
  ['strawberries', 'kiwis'],

$flatten_fruits = array_flatten($fruits);


  • array_diff_strict (array $array1, array $array2) : array: Strict diff between two arrays by comparing the values at the same index.
  • array_drop (array $array, int $offset, int $length) : array: Drop a part of an array (immutable array_splice).
  • array_intersect_strict (array $array1, array $array2) : array: Strict insersection between two arrays by comparing the values at the same index.
  • array_fill_multi (int $dimensions, int $size, mixed $value) : array: Initialize multi-dimensional arrays.
  • array_flatten (array $array, ?int $min_depth = null) : array : Flatten an array by keeping an arbitrary minimum depth if necessary.
  • array_merge_recursive_unique (array ...$arrays) : array: Contrary to array_merge_recursive(), it merges array by replacing values of the same key instead of appending them into a new array.
  • array_seek (array &$array, int|string $key) : void: Move the array pointer to a specified key (mutable).
  • array_substitute (array $array, int $offset, int $length, array $replacement) : array: Improved array_splice() with full string keys support when replacing.
  • glue (array $array, string $glue = '') : string: Glue array elements together, like implode() but with parameters in the right order.
  • immut_array_push (array $array, ...$elements) : array: Immutable array_push().
  • immut_array_shuffle (array $array) : array: Immutable shuffle().
  • immut_array_unset (array $array, int|string $key): Immutable unset().
  • immut_array_unshift (array $array, ...$elements) : array: Immutable array_unshift().
  • immut_arsort (array $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR) : array: Immutable arsort().
  • immut_asort (array $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR) : array: Immutable asort().
  • immut_krsort (array $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR) : array: Immutable krsort().
  • immut_ksort (array $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR) : array: Immutable ksort().
  • immut_natcasesort (array $array) : array: Immutable natcasesort().
  • immut_natsort (array $array) : array: Immutable natsort().
  • immut_rsort (array $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR) : array: Immutable rsort().
  • immut_sort (array $array, int $flags = SORT_REGULAR) : array: Immutable sort().
  • immut_uasort (array $array, callable $compare) : array: Immutable uasort().
  • immut_uksort (array $array, callable $compare) : array: Immutable uksort().
  • immut_usort (array $array, callable $compare) : array: Immutable usort().
  • kmax (array $array) : mixed: Return the key of the maximum value.
  • kmin (array $array) : mixed: Return the key of the minimum value.


  • hex2rgb (string $hex) : array: Convert HTML to RGB color.
  • hsl2rgb (int $h, int $s, int $l) : array: Convert HSL to RGB color.
  • hsv2rgb (int $h, int $s, int $v) : array: Convert HSV to RGB color.
  • rgb2hex (int $r, int $g, int $b) : string: Convert RGB to HTML color.
  • rgb2hsl (int $r, int $g, int $b) : array: Convert RGB to HSL color.
  • rgb2hsv (int $r, int $g, int $b) : array: Convert RGB to HSV color.


  • all (iterable $iterable, callable $callable) : bool: Return true when all elements match the callable's condition.
  • any (iterable $iterable, callable $callable) : bool: Return true when at least one element matches the callable's condition.
  • ensure_generator ($maybe_a_generator) : Generator: Ensure that the passed value will be a generator.
  • enumerate (iterable $iterable, ?callable $callable = null) : int: Enumerate elements in an iterable.
  • first (iterable $iterable) : mixed: Return the first element of an iterable. Note that the iterable's pointer will be resetted.
  • iterable_to_generator (iterable $items) : Generator: Convert an iterable to a generator.
  • itoa (Traversable $iterator, bool $use_keys = true) : array: Alias to iterator_to_array().
  • itog (iterable $items) : Generator: Alias to iterable_to_generator().
  • last (iterable $iterable) : mixed: Return the last element of an iterable. Note that: if the iterable is an array, then its pointer will be resetted; if the iterable is not an array, it will be converted to one, then have in mind that a complete iteration will be done before being able to get its last element.
  • map (iterable $iterable, callable $callable) : Generator: Like array_map() but works on any iterable and with key/value support.
  • none (iterable $iterable, callable $callable) : bool: Return true when no element has matched the callable's condition.
  • pluck (iterable $iterable, string ...$keys) : Generator: Extract lines from an iterable based on the requested keys.
  • reduce (iterable $iterable, callable $callable, $initial = null): Like array_reduce() but works on any iterable and with key/value support.
  • reject (iterable $iterable, callable $callable) : Generator: Reject items that match the callable's condition.
  • select (iterable $iterable, callable $callable) : Generator: Select items that match the callable's condition.
  • value (iterable $iterable, string $key) : mixed: Retrieve a value from an iterable with a specified key. Note that it should be used with a hash or an array because iterating other an iterable for searching an element is not efficient at all.


  • condition (bool $test, callable $truthy, callable $falsy) : mixed: Return a value based on a test.
  • loop (iterable $iterable, callable $callable) : Generator: Loop over an iterable and yield new values.
  • rescue (callable $callable, array $exceptions) : mixed: Execute a callback and catch exceptions.


  • memory_safe (callable $callable) : mixed: Collect garbage after callable execution.


  • above (float $value, float $min) : float: Bound a number to a minimum value.
  • is_even (int $value) : bool: Verify if the value is even.
  • is_odd (int $value) : bool: Verify if the value is odd.
  • under (float $value, float $max) : float: Bound a number to a maximum value.


  • capture (callable $callable) : string: Capture output on a callable execution.
  • mute (callable $callable) : mixed: Mute output on a callable execution.
  • puts (string $text) : void: Print a one-line text.


  • regex_count (string $pattern, string $text, int $flags = 0) : int: Count the number of matches for a regex in a string.
  • regex_match (string $pattern, string $text, int $flags = 0) : Generator: Return the matches of a regex, for the first match.
  • regex_match_all (string $pattern, string $text, int $flags = 0) : Generator: Return all the matches of a regex.
  • regex_match_first (string $pattern, string $text, int $flags = 0) : string: Return the first occurrence of the first match of a regex.
  • regex_test (string $pattern, string $text, int $flags = 0) : bool: Test if a regex matches against a string.


  • mb_lcfirst ($string, string $encoding = null) : string: Uncapitalize a string (multibyte support).
  • mb_to_camelcase (string $string) : string: Converts a string to camelcase (multibyte support).
  • mb_truncate (string $string, int $length, string $encoding = null) : string: Truncate a string to a specific length and append ... at the end of the string (multibyte support).
  • mb_ucfirst (string $string, string $encoding = null) : string: Capitalize a string (multibyte support).
  • mb_ucwords (string $string, string $encoding = null) : string: Capitalize all words in a string (multibyte support).
  • random_hash (int $length = 5) : string: Generate a random hash.
  • uuid_v4 () : string: Generate a random v4 UUID.


  • human_fileperms (string $path) : string: Get human-readable file permissions.
  • human_filesize (string $path) : string: Get human-readable file size.
  • lessdir (string $dir) : array: Like scandir() but without . and ...
  • mimetype (string $path) : string: Get a file's mime type with several mecanism support.
  • rrmdir (string $path) : void: Remove a directory recursively.
