
Provides extra PyroCMS install configurables, actions and commands. Exclude/Include modules, extensions or seeds from being installed, hooks, callbacks etc

1.0.0 2020-02-14 10:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-23 16:25:05 UTC


This package allows you to:

  • Exclude certain modules or extensions from being installed
  • Exclude certain modules or extensions from being seeded
  • Skip certain installer steps
  • Start installation at step
  • Thrown exceptions during installation will ask you if you want to continue to the next step or
  • Add PyroCMS add-ons as composer dependency without automatically installing them
  • Ignore trivial errors
  • etc...





Use the provided config. Some examples:

return [
    // call artisan commands before running install
    'call_before'          => [
        ['db:seed', ['--class' => 'Name\\Space\\Class']]
    // dispatch bus commands before running install
    'dispatch_before'      => [
            return new \Name\Space\PreInstallActions();
    // call artisan commands after running install
    'call_after'           => [
        ['db:seed', ['--class' => 'Namespace\\To\\Class']]
    // dispatch bus commands after running install
    'dispatch_after'       => [
            return new \Name\Space\PostInstallActions();
    // --skip_steps=11,22,46
    'skip_steps'           => [
        // 11, 22, 46
    // --start_from_step=1
    'start_from_step'      => 1,
    // --ignore_exceptions
    // if true, asks to continue 
    // if true + no-interaction, continues with warning 
    'ignore_exceptions'    => false, 
    // skip seeds of certain modules 
    'skip_seed'            => [
    // `include` takes precedence over `exclude`
    'include'              => [
    'exclude'              => [
        '*' // excluding all, which makes it only install addons defined in `include` 
    'skip_base_migrations' => false, // skip database/migrations/*
    'skip_base_seeds'      => false, // skip database/seeds/*

install Command

You might prefer to check this in the console using the --help option.
Basically all custom_install.php configuration values can be overridden using the options.


  • install [--ready] [--call_before [CALL_BEFORE]] [--dispatch_before [DISPATCH_BEFORE]] [--call_after [CALL_AFTER]] [--dispatch_after [DISPATCH_AFTER]] [--skip_steps [SKIP_STEPS]] [--start_from_step [START_FROM_STEP]] [--ignore_exceptions] [--skip_install [SKIP_INSTALL]] [--skip_seed [SKIP_SEED]] [--include [INCLUDE]] [--exclude [EXCLUDE]] [--skip_base_migrations] [--skip_base_seeds] [--] [<method>]
  • install list



method name

  • Is required: no
  • Is array: no
  • Default: 'install'



Indicates that the installer should use an existing .env file.

  • Accept value: no
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: false


  • Accept value: yes
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


  • Accept value: yes
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


  • Accept value: yes
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


  • Accept value: yes
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


  • Accept value: yes
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


  • Accept value: yes
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


  • Accept value: no
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


  • Accept value: yes
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


  • Accept value: yes
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


  • Accept value: yes
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


  • Accept value: yes
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


  • Accept value: no
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


  • Accept value: no
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


Display this help message

  • Accept value: no
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


Do not output any message

  • Accept value: no
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  • Accept value: no
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


Display this application version

  • Accept value: no
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


Force ANSI output

  • Accept value: no
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


Disable ANSI output

  • Accept value: no
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


Do not ask any interactive question

  • Accept value: no
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


The environment the command should run under

  • Accept value: yes
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file


The application this command should run under.

  • Accept value: yes
  • Is value required: no
  • Is multiple: no
  • Default: The value of this option in the custom_install.php configuration file