
Telegram Bot extension for Yii2 Framework

dev-main 2023-12-16 11:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 13:00:53 UTC


Telegram Bot extension for Yii2 Framework


Add dependency to your yii2 project

composer require prowebcraft/yii2-telebot

Add migration path to your yii2 config:

'controllerMap' => [
    'migrate' => [
        'class' => 'yii\console\controllers\MigrateController',
        'migrationPath' => null,
        'migrationNamespaces' => [
            'console\migrations', // Common migrations for the your application
            'prowebcraft\yii2telebot\migrations', // Migrations for Yii2 Telebot

Install migrations with php yii migrate

This will create tables for storing bot, chat and messages in database.


Create Class for your bot, extended from \prowebcraft\yii2telebot\YiiBot

Place your bot token in Yii2 params file (for ex. :

return [
    'bots' => [
        'your_bot_name' => [
            'token' => '111111:AABBCCDDEEFFGG' //place your bot token here

Create basic command:

 * Say hello to you
public function hiCommand()
    $this->reply('Hello! ^)');

Create concole command to run your bot in daemon mode (for ex. console/controllers/BotController.php)

namespace console\controllers;

use common\models\YourBot;

class BotController extends \yii\console\Controller

     * Run bot in daemon mode
    public function actionRun()
        $bot = new YourBot('your_bot_name');


Run your bot with command php yii bot/run;

Send /hi to your bot in Telegram