
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.3.7) of this package.

Stay aware of your competitor's prices with Pricemotion

Installs: 988

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 8


v1.3.7 2022-07-29 10:07 UTC


This extension integrates your Magento 2 store with Pricemotion.

We recommend installing the extension via GitHub, because Magento Marketplace releases are frequently delayed by Magento's review.

Direct installation from GitHub

In order to install the development version, or a new version that has not yet been published on Magento Marketplace, you may use Composer to directly install the extension from GitHub.

Edit your composer.json and add the GitHub repository to the top of the repositories section:

    "type": "vcs",
    "url": ""

After you've done this, install or upgrade the extension using the command line:

# If you have not yet installed the extension
composer require pricemotion/module-pricemotion
# If you have installed the extension previously
composer update pricemotion/module-pricemotion

Lastly run the Magento update process:

bin/magento setup:upgrade