
A pluf module to manage categories and tags


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This is a Pluf module to provide related tools to categories and tags. It can be used to manage (add, remove, update, search) categories and tags.


This module contains two important entities:

- Category (Assort_Category)
- Tag (Assort_Tag)


PHP class of category is named Assort_Category. Category has following properties:

- id (long)
- name (string)
- creation_dtime (datetime)
- modif_dtime (datetime)
- description (string)
- parent (FK from Assort_Category)
- content (FK from CMS_Content)
- thumbnail (FK from CMS_Content)

Categories should have unique values for pair (name, parent).


PHP class of tag is named Assort_Tag. Tag has following properties:

- id (long)
- name (string)
- creation_dtime (datetime)
- modif_dtime (datetime)
- description (string)

Tags should have unique values for name.


This module adds following API:

Category API

- GET:  	../category/find	[lists categories]
- PUSH: 	../category/new	[adds new category]
- GET:  	../category/{id}	[gets information of a category]
- PUSH  	../category/{id}	[updates information of a category]
- DELETE	../category/{id}	[deletes a category]


- GET:  	../tag/find	[lists tags]
- PUSH: 	../tag/new		[adds new tag]
- GET:  	../tag/{id}	[gets information of a tag]
- PUSH  	../tag/{id}	[updates information of a tag]
- DELETE	../tag/{id}	[deletes a tag]

Other features

Following function in this module is defined and could be used:


Returns Assort_Tag with given name. Throws an exception (with http code 404) if there is no tag with given name.