
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Integrate Facebook SDK into Symfony2 or Silex

dev-master / 2.0.x-dev 2014-01-09 09:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-03-16 09:22:46 UTC


Integrate Facebook SDK into Silex micro-framework (FacebookServiceProvider) or Symfony2 (FacebooBundle).

Provide several methods to do common tasks with Facebook.

  • authentification
  • permissions management
  • fan-gate management


Add faceboo to your dependencies using composer:

php composer.phar require "pitpit/faceboo":"2.0.*@dev"

To use Faceboo with Silex <= 1.0, please use:

php composer.phar require "pitpit/faceboo":"1.0.*@dev"


  • app_id: App ID
  • secret: App Secret
  • permissions: array of facebook oAuth permissions needed for the app
  • namespace: App namespace
  • canvas: true if the app is called through facebook iframe
  • proxy: to make facebook requests work behind non-transparent proxy
  • timeout: ...
  • connect_timeout: ...
  • protect: true|false, disable the redirection when accessing the server, in canvas mode



Register the namespace and the extension, in top of index.php:

$app->register(new Faceboo\Provider\FacebooServiceProvider(), array(
    'faceboo.app_id' => 'xxx',
    'faceboo.secret' => 'xxx'

See above for a complete list of avalaible parameters.

Login and ask user for Facebook oAuth permissions:

$app['faceboo.permissions'] = array();

$app->match('/', function () use ($app) {

    if ($response = $app['faceboo']->auth()) return $response;


In canvas mode, protect your canvas app from direct access to the source server:

$app->before(function(Request $request) use ($app) {
    if ($response = $app['faceboo']->protect()) return $response;

* do not rely on it, it's based on HTTP_REFERER so it's not really secured

In a fan page tab, is the current user admin of the fan page :

$app->match('/', function () use ($app) {

    $isAdmin = $app['faceboo']->isFanPageAdmin();


* you need to define "secret" parameter

In a fan page tab, what is the fan page id :

$app->match('/', function () use ($app) {

    $pageId = $app['faceboo']->getFanPageId();


* you need to define "secret" parameter

In a fan page tab, does the current user like the fan page :

$app->match('/', function () use ($app) {

    $isFan = $app['faceboo']->isFan();


* you need to define "secret" parameter

Get the current facebook user id:


Call the Facebook api:

$data =  $app['faceboo']->api('/me);


Register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php:

    $bundles = array(
        new Faceboo\FacebooBundle\FacebooFacebooBundle(),

Add the following in app/config/config.yml:

    app_id: 297720976910223
    secret: b151a27351e91dab2ee18986d8c47052

See above for a complete list of avalaible parameters.

Login and ask user for permissions if needed:

public function indexAction()
    if ($response = $this->get('faceboo')->auth()) return $response;



  • developp permissions authorization on website mode
  • get rid of SilexEvent dependency to make it work with Symfony
  • In canvas mode, override UrlGenerator to have the canvas URL when generate() is called with $absolute = true
  • fan page
    • does the user like the fan page ?
    • route according to local

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