
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Asynchronous PHP

v1.0.0 2014-10-19 17:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2018-11-08 14:45:02 UTC


Original library: Kriswallsmith/spork

Spork: PHP on a Fork

Build Status

The original library was written by Kriswallsmith but it has been stripped down for use in the phresque project.

Significant Changes:

  • FIFO up/down pipe removed - Originally two (up/down) fifo files were created to send data to/from the parent child processes. This was not required for the phresque project and was quite wasteful to leave in especially when creating a large number of jobs
  • Promises - The orignal library offered a little syntatic sugar for waiting on the child process to complete using deferred objects used extensively in asynchronous languages eg. JavaScript. Due to the non-asynchronous nature of PHP no additional functionality was added and in my opinion this feature just complicated an already complex task (PHP forking)

$manager = new Spork\ProcessManager();
$fork = $manager->fork(function() {
    // do something in child process!
    return 'Hello from '.getmypid();

#Carry on in parent process or call:

    echo 'Hurray!';
    echo 'Uh oh! Exited with: ' . $fork->getExitStatus();

Example: Upload images to your CDN

Feed an iterator into the process manager and it will break the job into multiple batches and spread them across many processes.


$files = new IteratorIterator(FilesystemIterator('/path/to/images', FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS));

$manager->process($files, function(SplFileInfo $file) {
    // upload this file