
An opinionated minimalistic and cache free open source PHP framework.

1.6.2 2023-12-10 20:15 UTC



Another PHP framework? Yes and here is why:

  • Caching causes complexity -> No built-in caches.
  • Minimalistic -> Most frameworks do too much. You have the freedom to choose you own tooling.
  • Stable -> Because of its minimalism, updating to new versions should be easy
  • Simple -> Easy to set up, easy to understand
  • Modern -> Built with modern PHP (>=8.2)
  • Extensible -> Very simple to extend


You will need composer for setting up Phespro (Composer installation under: If you have composer installed, you can run the following command which will set up a new project using our project template:

composer create-project phespro/project your_project_name

Alternatively, you can include phespro into your project and do the setup manually:

composer require phespro/phespro

Kernel, Container and Extension

Phespro is built around a dependency injection container. Nearly everything that happens in Phespro is done through the container. Because of that, the class \Phespro\Phespro\Kernel is a subclass of \Phespro\Container\Container.

Phespro is built around extensions. When you write your application, you need to build at minimum one extension.

Extensions are registered when creating the kernel.

$kernel = new Kernel([

Please note, that your extensions are executed in the order, that they are contained in the extension array passed on kernel creation.

Your extension class needs to implement the interface Phespro\Phespro\Extensibility\ExtensionInterface.

use Phespro\Phespro\Kernel;
use League\Route\Router;

class MyExtension implements Phespro\Phespro\Extensibility\ExtensionInterface
    static function preBoot(Kernel $kernel): void
        // primarily used for registering your extension service in the dependency injection container
        $kernel->add(static::class, fn() => new static, ['extension']);

    function boot(Kernel $kernel): void
        // here you can register all your services. This includes actions (for web request handling).
        $kernel->add(IndexGet::class, fn() => new IndexGet);

    function bootHttp(Router $router): void
        // register your routes and middlewares
        $router->get('/', IndexGet::class));

You may use the trait \Phespro\Phespro\NoTee\NoTeeTrait for simplicity reasons. Using this trait, NoTee will get injected into your service automatically. By using this trait you can call $this->renderString() and $this->renderResponse() in your action classes.

When using the project template you already have the first extension registered. When including phespro without the project template, you might consider taking a look into the project template code for understanding, how to set up Phespro correctly.


Phespro comes with support for migrations out-of-the-box. Migrations can be used to migrate anything. And because Phespro does not care for what type of database you use, you can adapt the migrations to any database or storage.

Before using the migration system, you need to provide a implementation for the interface Phespro\Phespro\Migration\MigrationStateStorageInterface.

Phespro ships with an implementation for SQLite. You can use this implementation by registering the needed service:

// assumes, that the service 'db' is registered and provides a pdo connection to an sqlite db
$kernel->add(MigrationStateStorageInterface::class, fn(Container $c) => new SQLiteMigrationStateStorage(

You can simply generate a migration by executing the following command:

bin/console migration:create --directory the/directory/path/of/your/migrations --namespace App

Now you can register the migration by adding it in the boot-method of your extension.

$kernel->add(Migration1000::class, fn() => new Migration1000, ['migration']);

Now you can execute the migrations by running bin/console migration:apply-all .

Routing / Middlewares

Phespro uses the router implementation of the phpleague. You can find the documentation here:

You can simply add routes and middlewares in the bootHttp-method of your extension.


We don't think, that every application should be shipped with an ORM. If you want to use an ORM, just pick the ORM you would like to use.

Template Engine

Phespro comes with the preinstalled library NoTee for generating HTML. You can either use this library (recommend) or install any templating engine that you would like to use.

Link to NoTee Documentation


Phespro does not ship any validation engine. Pick the validation engine, that fits you needs best:


When using Phespro you need to explicitly activate Logging. We want to give you the freedom of choice regarding Logging. By default, the NullLogger is used, which is like sending the logs to /dev/null. This means, that nothing gets logged unless you explicitly activate logging.

You can activate logging by replacing the service \Psr\LoggerInterface with the decorate function. Your logger must implement the interface Psr\LoggerInterface.

The following example uses Monolog:

$container->decorate(\Psr\LoggerInterface::class, function() {
    $logger = new Logger('MyLogger');
    $logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('/path/to/your/logfile.log'));
    return $logger;


Configuration is built way to complex in most frameworks. Most frameworks use either some format like JSON, YAML or XML. Other use PHP arrays. Since both approaches are possible with Phespro, the idiomatic approach is in Phespro is using configuration classes. Configuration classes are normal PHP classes, which represent the configuration data structure.

The following example provides configuration for a mysql database connection. First let's create the class:

readonly class DatabaseConfiguration
    public function __construct(
        public string $host,
        public string $username,
        public string $password,
        public string $databaseName,
        public int $port = 3306, 

In your Extension you can now register a new service for the database configuration:

class MyExtension implements Phespro\Phespro\Extensibility\ExtensionInterface
    // ...

    function boot(Kernel $kernel): void
        $kernel->add(DatabaseConfiguration::class, function()  {
            $fail = fn(string $name) => throw new \Exception("Missing environment variable $name");
            return new DatabaseConfiguration(
                host: getenv('DATABASE_HOST') ?: $fail('DATABASE_HOST'),
                username: getenv('DATABASE_USER') ?: $fail('DATABASE_USER'),
                password: getenv('DATABASE_PASS') ?: $fail('DATABASE_PASS'),
                databaseName: getenv('DATABASE_NAME') ?: $fail('DATABASE_NAME'),
                port: getenv('DATABASE_PORT') ?: 3306,
    // ...

Great. We now have a configuration class which gives us more type safety compared to configurations in other frameworks. Now we can simply use that configuration in any service we need the data:

readonly class DatabaseService
    public function __construct(
        protected DatabaseConfiguration $databaseConfiguration 

class MyOtherExtension implements Phespro\Phespro\Extensibility\ExtensionInterface
    // ...

    function boot(Kernel $kernel): void
        $kernel->add(DatabaseService::class, fn(ContainerInterface $c) => new DatabaseService(
            databaseConfiguration: $c->get(DatabaseConfiguration::class),
    // ...

Framework configuration

If you want to work with the framework configuration, take a look at the class \Phespro\Phespro\Configuration\FrameworkConfiguration.

Event System

In many situation using decorator pattern is just fine. In some cases you might want to use an event system. In this case, you can use any event library you like. A good choice could be the Symfony Event Dispatcher.


Add your first action / route

Adding a new route to your application consists of the following steps:

  1. Create an action class. This action class must implement the interface \Phespro\Phespro\Http\ActionInterface.
  2. Register the action class in the dependency injection container in the boot method of your extension.
  3. Register the route with a reference to service registered in step 2 (by service name). E.g. register an action for "GET /products" would be: $router->get('/products', 'myServiceName')

If you are using NoTee, you can use the trait \Phespro\Phespro\NoTee\NoTeeTrait for automatic injection of the NoTee service into your action class.