
HybridAuth Integration for Elgg

v2.2 2021-06-02 17:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:28:07 UTC


Elgg 2.3

elgg_hybridauth is an authentication tool that allows users to create new Elgg accounts using their social media accounts.

Providers included by default:

  • AOL
  • Facebook
  • Foursquare
  • Google
  • LinkedIn
  • Live
  • MySpace
  • OpenID
  • Twitter
  • Yahoo

Visit for more information about HybridAuth library and additional providers that can be added to this distribution.


  • Allows a single Elgg profile to be connected to multiple provider accounts
  • Follows Elgg's native registration workflow
  • Allows users to authorize / deauthorize providers in their account settings
  • Optionally, allows administrators to import user settings from elgg_social_login and social_connect
  • Provides an interface to configure permissions scopes for each provider


  • When upgrading, disable the plugin first, upload the updated plugin files, and reenable for updated settings to take effect

Provider Setup

Setting up Facebook

Setting up Twitter

Setting up Google

Setting up LinkedIn

  • Go to
  • Create new application

    In OAuth User Agreement, update the default scope to your needs. If you are unsure, check r_basicprofile, r_emailaddress, rw_nus and r_network You do not need to fill out redirect URLs

  • Copy the API Key into the Public Key field in the plugin settings
  • Copy the Secret Key into the Private Key field in the plugin settings

Setting up Yahoo!

Set up Live

Set up FourSquare

Developer Notes

Since 1.1.1, you can make use of 'hybridauth:authenticate', $provider plugin hook to perform some actions, when the user is authenticated with a provider. This might be a good place to post stuff to user's wall or to grab a profile picture.

Example of how to post to the user's wall that the user Joined the site:

// do stuff when the user is authenticated with one of the providers
elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('hybridauth:authenticate', 'all', 'elgg_hybridauth_on_authenticate');

function elgg_hybridauth_on_authenticate($hook, $provider, $return, $params) {

	$user = elgg_extract('entity', $params);

	try {
		$ha = new ElggHybridAuth();
		$adapter = $ha->getAdapter($provider);
		if ($adapter->isUserConnected()) {
			$status = $user->name . ' just joined ' . elgg_get_config('sitename') . ' at ' . elgg_get_site_url();
	} catch (Exception $e) {
		// Something is wrong


To 1.3

  • For performance reasons, HYBRIDAUTH_PUBLIC_AUTH is not longer defined. Call elgg_get_plugin_setting('public_auth', 'elgg_hybridauth') where needed.

  • base_url and debug_file are no longer set via plugin settings. They are set dynamically using current installation path and wwwroot.

  • Due to recent changes in LinkedIn scopes, HybridAuth was producing unreliable results. HA LinkedIn class and LinkedIn wrapper were replaced with custom implementation for the sake of stability.