
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the jmf/simple-cache package instead.

Allows to store data with caching engines (Memcache, file system, etc).

3.1.1 2021-09-11 02:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-20 01:41:09 UTC


Allows caching of data (with Memcached, file-system, etc).




use perf\Caching\CacheClient;
use perf\Caching\Storage\FileSystemCachingStorage;
use perf\Caching\Storage\MemcachedCachingStorage;
use perf\Caching\Storage\NullCachingStorage;
use perf\Caching\Storage\VolatileCachingStorage;

// Memcached
$storage = MemcachedCachingStorage::createFromCredentials('', 123);
$cache   = CacheClient::createWithStorage($storage);

// Volatile storage
$storage = new VolatileCachingStorage();
$cache   = CacheClient::createWithStorage($storage);

// File-system storage
$storage = new FileSystemCachingStorage('/tmp/cache');
$cache   = CacheClient::createWithStorage($storage);

// Null storage (caches nothing)
$storage = new NullCachingStorage();
$cache   = CacheClient::createWithStorage($storage);

Storing and retrieving data


$objectToStore = new \stdClass();
$objectToStore->bar = 'baz';

$cache->store('foo', $objectToStore);

// ...

$object = $cache->tryFetch('foo');