
A package for PayStar payment gateway and Those for whom time is important

v1.0.1 2023-02-07 19:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-15 11:43:12 UTC


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This is a Laravel package for PayStar payment gateway.

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⬇️ Installation guide

Install package

composer require paystar/laravel-ipg

Publish configs

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=paystar-ipg

📖 List of available methods

  • create(): return a token
  • payment(): auto redirect to gateway
  • verify(): verify transaction

✔️ How to use exists methods and options

  • Use create() method

    use PayStar\Ipg\Facades\PayStarIpg;
    PayStarIpg::amount('AMOUNT') // *
        ->orderId('ORDER_ID') // *
        ->callbackUrl('CALLBACK_URL') // If You don't use this method, we set this from config
        ->sign('SIGN') // If You don't use this method, we generate auto a sign
    List of extra option
    Option description
    name customer name
    phone customer phone
    mail customer mail
    description description of order
    allotment Share per transaction
    callback_method -
    wallet_hashid -
    national_code national code of customer
    How to use this options
    use PayStar\Ipg\Facades\PayStarIpg;
    PayStarIpg::amount('AMOUNT') // *
        ->orderId('ORDER_ID') // *
        ->callbackUrl('CALLBACK_URL') // If You don't use this method, we set this from config
        ->sign('SIGN') // If You don't use this method, we generate auto a sign
            'name'            => 'Name',
            'phone'           => 'PHONE',
            'mail'            => 'MAIL',
            'description'     => 'DESCRIPTION',
            'allotment'       => 'ALLOTMENT',
            'callback_method' => 'CALLBACK_METHOD',
            'wallet_hashid'   => 'WALLET_HASHID',
            'national_code'   => 'NATIONAL_CODE',
  • Use verify() method

    use PayStar\Ipg\Facades\PayStarIpg;
  • Use payment() method

    use PayStar\Ipg\Facades\PayStarIpg;
    // Redirect to Gateway

#️⃣ How to generate sign

use PayStar\Ipg\Facades\Encryption;

// The Encryption Facade has 3 methods

Encryption::sign($amount, $orderId, $callbackUrl); // Generate a sign with set algorithm in config file

Encryption::algos(); // Show list of hash Algorithms (hash_algos() method)
Encryption::hash($algo, $string, $key, $binary); // use hash_hmac() method

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