
A PHP library for generating Cypher queries to be used with Graph databases such as Neo4J

0.11 2018-07-10 12:48 UTC


A PHP library for generating Cypher queries to be used with Graph databases such as Neo4J


  • This is a work in progress and there is still a lot to be done

Making cypher queries easily using the query builder

$client = new Moozla\QueryBuilder\Client();

  ->match('Person', 'person')
  ->match('Movie', 'movie')
  ->where('movie', 'name', "=", 'Taxi Driver')

echo (string)$client;

Will output the string:

MATCH (person:Person)-[:LIKES]-(movie:Movie) WHERE = "Taxi Driver" RETURN movie

This project makes walking a graph easy. One of the main benefits is that it automatically figures out whether it needs to match a Node or a Relationship.

Running the tests

./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/

To do on this project

  • Support more operators for the where clause
  • Add more clauses such as "SET", "CREATE" and "DELETE"
  • Add Directional relationships support
  • More exceptions when invalid Cypher is detected
  • Make this project available via packagist


For a full list of examples look at the client tests found in tests/ClientTests/

Match Node-relation-Node and return all 3

$client = new Moozla\QueryBuilder\Client();

  ->match('Person', 'person')
  ->match('LIKES', 'likes')
  ->match('Movie', 'movie')

echo (string)$client;

Will output the string:

MATCH (person:Person)-[likes:LIKES]-(movie:Movie) RETURN person, likes, movie

Match Node then add custom CYPHER to all clauses

$client = new Moozla\QueryBuilder\Client();

  ->match('Person', 'person')
  ->appendToWhere('(person)-[:KNOWS]-({name: 'Jeff'})')

echo (string)$client;

Will output the string:

MATCH (person:Person)-[]->(:CustomMatch) WHERE (person)-[:KNOWS]-({name: 'Jeff'}) RETURN count(person)

Note: All of the 'appendTo' methods will simply append the given string to the specified clause allowing for CYPHER not directly supported through the other query builder methods

Multi Match

Sometimes with Cypher you need to match multiple parts of the graph before joining them. The query builder supports this

$client = new Moozla\QueryBuilder\Client();
  ->match('Person', 'person')
  ->match('Movie', 'movie')
  ->match('Director', 'director')
  ->where('director', 'name', '=', 'Ms Director')
echo (string)$client;

Will output the following:

MATCH (person:Person) MATCH (movie:Movie)-[:DIRECTED_BY]-(director:Director) WHERE = "Ms Director" RETURN movie, person