
A package to use CloudSearch in an Eloquent way within Laravel

0.4.0 2021-03-11 20:38 UTC


An Eloquent way to use CloudSearch within Laravel

Requires PHP 7.1, Laravel 5.5 or higher and the Laravel AWS package!


You can install the package via composer:

composer require pascalvgemert/laravel-cloud-search

To install the AWS package follow the steps in the on: AWS Service Provider for Laravel 5 & 6


Instead of using Models, you create Documents. They almost work the same as a Model Class.


use LaravelCloudSearch\Contracts\FieldType;
use LaravelCloudSearch\Document;
 * Define your CloudSearch index fields here, this will help to define default values in your document result:
 * @property-read int $id
 * @property-read string $title
 * @property-read string $description
 * @property-read string $country_code
 * @property-read array $images
 * @property-read int $stock
 * @property-read bool $pre_order
class Product extends Document
    /** @var string */
    protected $domain = '';

    /** @var array */
    protected $casts = [
        'images' => FieldType::ARRAY,
        'pre_order' => FieldType::BOOL,
        'searchable' => FieldType::BOOL,

Now you can use this Document to query it like you would query an Eloquent model.


/** @var \LaravelCloudSearch\DocumentCollection|\LaravelCloudSearch\Document[] **/
$products = Product::query()
    ->where('country_code', 'NL')
    ->where(function ($query) {
            ->where('stock', '>', 0)
            ->orWhere('pre_order', 1);
    ->orderBy('price', 'asc')

Extra CloudSearch Methods


To debug your build query, you can use the getQuery() method just like Eloquent.

Another great feature is that you can hook into the cloudsearch.query event. The event contains the time it took to execute the query at CloudSearch, which arguments where used and the trace from the place the query got executed. For example you can hook the CloudSearch queries into the Laravel-Debugbar

In Laravel you can listen to the Event as follows:

Event::listen('cloudsearch.query', function ($timeInMilliSeconds, $arguments, $trace) {
    dump($timeInMilliSeconds, $arguments, $trace);


To fuzzy search you can use the phrase(string $searchPhrase, int|float $fuzziness = null, bool $lookForAnyWord = false) method.

The $fuzziness is a decimal percentage 0 to 1 where the default is 0.25. The $lookForAnyWord is a boolean to search for all or any words, default is all words.


A much used functionality of CloudSearch is the use of Facets / Buckets. This can easily be taking in account while making your query:

/** @var \LaravelCloudSearch\DocumentCollection **/
$products = Product::facet('country_code', ['size' => 10])->get();

/** @var \Illuminate\Support\Collection|\LaravelCloudSearch\Facet[] **/
$productFacets = $products->getFacets();

Statistics (stats)

The same goes for Statistics or stats as they're called in AWS CloudSearch:

/** @var \LaravelCloudSearch\DocumentCollection **/
$products = Product::statistics('country_code')->get();

/** @var \Illuminate\Support\Collection **/
$productStatistics = $products->getStatistics();