
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Used with the Pantheon WordPress Edge Integrations SDK, allows sites to use shortcodes to display geolocated content.

0.3.0 2022-07-12 16:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-02 18:23:14 UTC


Stable tag: 0.3.0
Requires at least: 3.7
Tested up to: 5.9.1
Requires PHP: 7.4
License: MIT
Tags: pantheon, geolocation, shortcodes, edge integrations, agcdn, geoip, personalization
Contributors: jazzs3quence, getpantheon

Used with the Pantheon WordPress Edge Integrations SDK, this plugin allows sites to use shortcodes to display geolocated content.

Archived project

This project is archived as of August 2024 as it no longer receives active development. The architecture provided by the tools in this SDK and the related projects are still valid and will continue to work on Pantheon AGCDN. However, we will not be responding to issues or pull requests or building these tools out more than they are already.

Unsupported Pantheon Geolocation Shortcodes


This plugin allows you to quickly add geolocated content to your site by using shortcodes.

In order for the geolocated content to appear on your site, you must be a Pantheon customer with Advanced Global CDN active on your site. In addition, you must already have the Pantheon WordPress Edge Integrations plugin installed.


Install via Composer

The recommended way to install the plugin is via Composer.

composer require pantheon-systems/pantheon-geolocation-shortcodes

The package is set as a wordpress-plugin so it should be installed alongside other WordPress plugins in your project.

Install via

Download the plugin from and upload it to your WordPress installation. Before activation, make sure you also have the Pantheon WordPress Edge Integrations plugin installed. If it is not found, this plugin cannot activate.

Install manually

The plugin can also be installed manually like a normal plugin. Find the latest release on the Releases page and download the ZIP file.

Extract the contents of the ZIP file into your wp-content/plugins directory and upload or commit to your server.


This plugin does not install the Pantheon WordPress Edge Integrations SDK or the Pantheon WordPress Edge Integrations plugin. Those must be installed separately. While the SDK is not explicitly required as a dependency, the WordPress Edge Integrations plugin is required for the Geolocation plugin to function.

Addititionally, Pantheon Advanced Global CDN must be active and configured for Geolocation shortcodes to work.

Any other plugins that use the [geoip] shortcode should be uninstalled or deactivated before using Pantheon Geolocation Shortcodes.


Updating the plugin depends on how you installed it. If you installed it via Composer, you can update it via Composer depending on your version constraints. See Versions and constraints for more information.

If you installed the plugin manually, you can update it by downloading the latest release on the Releases page and extracting the contents of the ZIP file into your wp-content/plugins directory.

If you've installed the plugin via the plugin repository, updates can be installed normally like other plugin updates.


You can use the following shortcodes to display geolocated content based on where the visitor is located:

  1. Continent: [geoip-continent], the two-letter continent code, e.g. "NA"
  2. Country: [geoip-country], the two-letter country code, e.g. "US"
  3. Region: [geoip-region], a two-letter region code, e.g. "CA"
  4. City: [geoip-city], the full city name, e.g. "San Francisco"
  5. Location: [geoip-location], a combination of city, region, country, if all information is available, e.g. "San Francisco, CA, US"

Localized content

In addition, you can also use the geoip-content shortcode to apply logic to content within your posts. The geoip-content shortcode can be used with any of the above parameters as well as allowing the ability to explicitly exclude locations. Below are the available options that can be passed to the geoip-content shortcode:

  • continent
  • country
  • region
  • city
  • not_continent
  • not_country
  • not_region
  • not_city


Say you want to show content just to your US visitors. You can use the following shortcode:

[geoip-content country="US"]This is content just for US visitors.[/geoip-content]

Perhaps you just want to show content to visitors from specific regions. You can use the following shortcode:

[geoip-content region="CA, TX"]This is content exclusively for visitors from California and Texas.[/geoip-content]

You can also mix and match geography and negative geography options to add more complex logic. For example, if you wanted to show content to visitors from California and Texas, but not to visitors from Los Angeles. You can use the following shortcode:

[geoip-content region="CA, TX" not_city="Los Angeles"]This is content for visitors from California and Texas, but not from Los Angeles.[/geoip-content]

Duplicate location names

If multiple locations in your regions have the same name, you may need to adjust the logic to ensure that the correct content is shown to the correct visitors. For example, if you were showing the same content to visitors from the United States, Europe and Australia, but wanted to exclude Dublin, Ireland, you would need to use the following shortcodes:

[geoip-content country="US, AU"]Fly to Dublin, Ireland for a weekend getaway for only $199![/geoip-content][geoip-content country="EU" not_city="Dublin"]Fly to Dublin, Ireland for a weekend getaway for only $199![/geoip-content]