
Adds composer git:split composer command for easy splitting of a git repository into many others.


The GitSplit component provides commands to split a monorepo using the splitsh-lite script and other tools.


The first implementation of GitSplit is DevShop itself. Look to OpenDevShop's code for a usage example:

  1. Add the package to your project's composer.json:

    composer require devshop/git-split --dev  

    See https://github.com/opendevshop/devshop/blob/1.x/composer.json#L72

  2. Import a legacy repo into a subfolder:

    If a component repo already exists, you can merge it in with the git subtree command:

    git subtree add --prefix=$PATH_IN_REPO $GIT_URL $BRANCH

    For example, when we merged in the "devmaster" install profile from Drupal.org:

    git subtree add --prefix=devmaster https://git.drupalcode.org/project/devmaster.git 7.x-1.x

    See https://github.com/opendevshop/devshop/tree/1.x/devmaster

  3. Add extra.git-splits

    Add the Secondary Repository information to the config.git-split.repos section of the main devshop/composer.json file.

    "extra": {
        "git-split": {
            "repos": {
                "devmaster": "git@github.com:opendevshop/devmaster.git"
  4. Run the command composer git:split every time there is new code.

    See the DevShop GitHub Action "git.yml" file for an example on running composer git:split to push code to multiple remotes, including different github organizations and drupal.org using SSH keys:




splitsh-lite is a third party shell script installed when this component is used.

Find sources and license at https://github.com/splitsh/lite.