
Open Code Modeling PHP Code AST


PHP code generation based on AST.


$ composer require open-code-modeling/php-code-ast


See unit tests in tests folder for comprehensive examples.

Let's start with a straightforward example of generating a class with the ClassBuilder:


$parser = (new PhpParser\ParserFactory())->create(PhpParser\ParserFactory::ONLY_PHP7);
$printer = new PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard(['shortArraySyntax' => true]);

$ast = $parser->parse('');

$classBuilder = OpenCodeModeling\CodeAst\Builder\ClassBuilder::fromScratch('TestClass', 'My\\Awesome\\Service');
    ->setImplements('\\Iterator', 'Bar');

$nodeTraverser = new PhpParser\NodeTraverser();

$classBuilder->injectVisitors($nodeTraverser, $parser);


Will print the following output:


declare (strict_types=1);
namespace My\Awesome\Service;

use Foo\Bar;
final class TestClass extends BaseClass implements \Iterator, Bar

All this is done via PHP AST and it checks if the AST token is already defined. So it will not override your code.

You can also use the code and PHP AST visitor classes to generate code via the low level API. To add a method toInt() to the class above you can add this via the ClassMethod visitor.


$method = new OpenCodeModeling\CodeAst\Code\MethodGenerator(
    new OpenCodeModeling\CodeAst\Code\BodyGenerator($this->parser, 'return $this->myValue;')

$nodeTraverser->addVisitor(new OpenCodeModeling\CodeAst\NodeVisitor\ClassMethod($method));


This will print the following output.


declare (strict_types=1);
namespace My\Awesome\Service;

use Foo\Bar;
final class TestClass extends BaseClass implements \Iterator, Bar
    public function toInt() : int
        return $this->myValue;

Now, change the body of the toInt() method to something else. You will see that your changes will NOT be overwritten.

Reverse usage

It is also possible to create a factory class from parsed PHP AST. You can create an instance of OpenCodeModeling\CodeAst\Builder\ClassBuilder by calling OpenCodeModeling\CodeAst\Builder\ClassBuilder::fromNodes().

$parser = (new PhpParser\ParserFactory())->create(PhpParser\ParserFactory::ONLY_PHP7);
$printer = new PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard(['shortArraySyntax' => true]);

$expected = <<<'EOF'

declare (strict_types=1);
namespace My\Awesome\Service;

use Foo\Bar;
final class TestClass extends BaseClass implements \Iterator, Bar
    private const PRIV = 'private';

$ast = $parser->parse($expected);

$classBuilder = OpenCodeModeling\CodeAst\Builder\ClassBuilder::fromNodes(...$ast);

$classBuilder->getName(); // TestClass
$classBuilder->getExtends(); // BaseClass
$classBuilder->isFinal(); // true
$classBuilder->isStrict(); // true
$classBuilder->isAbstract(); // false