onelogin/php-saml Security Advisories for 2.1.0 (2)
[LOW] An error during signature verification can be treated as a successful verification.
PKSA-nh5k-9wsp-k4zd GHSA-9wrw-p9rm-r782
Affected version: <2.10.4
Reported by:
GitHub, FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories -
[MEDIUM] Vulnerability to Response Wrapping attacks resulting in a malicious user gaining unauthorized access to a system.
PKSA-4x6t-byc2-3fqx CVE-2016-1000253 GHSA-g48f-pgwh-wwxx
Affected version: <2.10.0
Reported by:
GitHub, FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories