
WAMP client for PHP Swoole

v1.3.0 2023-09-23 03:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-15 06:23:15 UTC


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Octamp Client is an open source client for WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol), for PHP.

Octamp Client uses Open Swoole, is a high-performance network framework based on an event-driven, asynchronous, non-blocking I/O coroutine programming model for PHP.

We also design the Octamp Client functions to be identical to AutobahnJS

The name Octamp is from Octopus + WAMP

Supported WAMP Features

  • Publish
  • Subscribe
  • Call
  • Call Progressive
  • Register


  • PHP >= 8.1
  • Swoole / OpenSwoole Extension


composer require octamp/client



use Octamp\Client\Auth\WampcraAuthenticator;
use Octamp\Client\Peer;
use Octamp\Client\Session;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';

\Co\run(function () {
    $client = new Peer('crossbar', 9000);
    $client->onOpen(function (Session $session) {
        // subscribe
        $session->subscribe('hello', function (array $args) {
            echo 'Event ' . $args[0] . PHP_EOL;
        // publish
        $session->publish('hello', ['hello octamp'], [], ['exclude_me' => false]);
        // publish with acknowledgement
            ->publish('hello', ['hello octamp with acknowledgement'], [], ['acknowledge' => true, 'exclude_me' => false])
                function () {
                    echo 'Publish Acknowledged!' . PHP_EOL;
                function ($error) {
                    echo 'Publish Error ' . $error . PHP_EOL;
        // register
        $session->register('add', function (array $args) {
            return $args[0] + $args[1];
        // call
        $session->call('add', [1, 3])->then(function ($result) {
            echo 'Result ' . $result . PHP_EOL;


  • Call Cancel
  • Call Timeout
  • Unsubscribe
  • RPC Progress Call
  • Auto Reconnect
  • Subprotocol Handling
  • Heartbeat
  • Custom Error Handling
  • TLS connection
  • Session Logging
  • Session Prefix
  • Pattern Base Subscription / Registration